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  • [A1 - A3 Inferno] Keywarden Hunt (Randomized)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Magi, Oct 21, 2012.

    1. rockstar

      rockstar New Member

      Oct 21, 2012
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      Hi Magi

      Great work on the bot, so far everything goes very smoothly except one little bug. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with my config in your custom Trinity plugin.

      Anyway, every time my barb tries to TP after the run: if there are mobs following him, he will not clear the mobs and THEN tp. Instead, he tries to TP without a fight, and it would obviously get interrupted. This goes on for a while until this idiot decides to fight back. He kills one and tries to TP again... he loops this until all the mobs are dead. A huge waste of time.

      I may be missing something here because I looked 5 pages back and hasn't seen anybody with this issue yet.
    2. shu

      shu New Member

      Jun 1, 2012
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      [12:17:04.823 N] [KeyRun] ========== KEYWARDEN IS WITHIN RANGE ============
      [12:17:12.615 N] [KeyRun] =+=+=+=+=+= KEYWARDEN VANQUISHED!!! =+=+=+=+=+=
      [12:17:12.615 N] [KeyRun] Ready to choose new Act.
      [12:17:12.774 N] Loaded profile [A1 - A3 Inferno] Keyhunting - Choose an Act

      Everytime he finds the Warden in Act 2 the above shows in the log, the bot won't kill the warden but just log out and start a new game.

      edit: Plugins in use:
      • Trinity modified by you
      • KeyRun (the one you posted)
      • AntiIdle
      • RadsAtom 1.4

      edit2: Did a clean install of everything DB related and disabled all Plugins except the modified trinity and keyrun plugin. Still the same error in Act2.

      edit3: after setting the kill radius from 35 to 55 it worked for a single time, will let it run for a while and report back.

      edit4: 4 out of 5 runs get the same exact error as above, I have no clue whats going on, I think it has something to do with attack ranges but I am unsure what to change.
      Last edited: Nov 3, 2012
    3. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      I've had this happen a few times...the worst is Festerwoods where some of those blobs spewing bats are near by. I'll have to look at how it handles Town run TP's and might need to modify the behavior of a default TP so work like that.

      This new update should fix your issue I hope. I don't have an issue with A2 myself, but depending on how your bot encounters the warden and deals with monsters, it could pose a problem. What I think is probably happening for you is you find the warden but then get detracted by other monsters and get out of range of the warden. At that point, the bot thinks the warden is dead and you leave once you kill the monsters. I could see a WW Barb having issues as you tend to fly all over the place. My monk doesn't have this problem.

      With that said, this new update adds a new plugin which works to detect the warden (as well as choose your Act based on the keys you've collected). The detection method works independent of you're XML MoveTo points, so if you encounter the warden in the middle of the walking somewhere, or if you get WAY off path chasing a goblin, it will still detect the warden. I've also further modified Trinity to treat the Warden like a boss, so if the warden is in range of the ATTACK radius, you should stick to him like mud (attack radius is lower than detection range so it doesn't get stuck trying to chase warden when he's too far away, keep that in mind if you detect him but don't immediately go after him in the next update)

      I hope to post this in the next few hours. Just doing some further testing. Ran last night for 7-8 hours and went from 16/12/11 (A1-A3 keys respectively) to 19/19/18...and found the bot still doing battle in Act 3 like it should. Quite pleased with the results. The only known bug that will need to be worked on for the future is if you manage to die and kill the warden at the same time. I do have it recognize this situation, and should reload the profile so it goes back to collect anything missing rather than warping out. The only issue with this is it will do the ENTIRE profile because the warden is now dead and it will never detect it. Working out solutions to warp out once it reaches where you died. That won't be available on first release though.
      Last edited: Nov 3, 2012
    4. shu

      shu New Member

      Jun 1, 2012
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      The KeyRun plugin is now included in the profile? Or will it be in your upcoming update release?

      However, thanks for the quick reply, I will wait for your update and test it again - but yes, I am using a WW barb so that might cause some problems.
    5. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Yeah WW Barb is likely the issue, but it won't be for long :)

      I will post the plugin and updated profile soon. Look for v3.0 and I will post on here as well so if you're subscribed you'll know. Made a tweak to the detection after last night's run and just want to ensure it behaves as intended. So far so good!
    6. Puzo123

      Puzo123 New Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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      hi Magi! great profile! but i have problem with act1 here - bot sometimes gets stuck at these places :


      + some other places at festering woods (cant bring more screenshots)

      log at these moments looks like that :

      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.385 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:38:36.387 N] Clicked revive button

      i have no plugins (only your giles trinity) , i tried fresh instal of DB etc, but this doesnt help.
      it happens after death and continues till logout due to inactivity time.. but if i manually move on from these places, bot continues to work fine. Other acts work perfectly well. Please help me. Thanks.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Nov 3, 2012
    7. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Thanks Puzo..the first 2 looks like you may have chased something to get stuck (the first screen shot the bot doesn't have any MoveTo point in that area at all). The 3rd looks like a spawn after death, though it should have made it's way back to the profile start location. Can you send a log (check your logs directory).

      Also, I might remove that 3rd attachment as it includes someone's name which we probably don't want snowstorm seeing :)
    8. Puzo123

      Puzo123 New Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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      Last edited: Nov 3, 2012
    9. fckwarden

      fckwarden New Member

      Jul 13, 2012
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      what is the quest needed to do the act2 keyrun?
    10. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      I believe it is the last/2nd to last...right before you go after belial
    11. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Sorry for the delay on the new plugin folks...found that detecting the warden wasn't an issue anymore, but detecting an exact death isn't quite as easy as I had hoped. Even through DB, there is a delay between calls (a small delay, but it varies depending on many factors out of my control). There is a small window of opportunity to find the warden and verify his HP is 0 (only way to know he is dead for sure).

      However, it quickly is dropped from actor list after killing him and sometimes the delay is a few milliseconds, other times it can be a bit longer, long enough for the warden to drop out of the actor list before I can capture if his HP is 0. Looking into get around the delay, but in the meantime I am testing a workaround tonight.

      Basically, instead of searching for when the warden's HP is 0 and possibly having him drop off the actor list before my script can check, I perform the warden is dead check when his health drops to around 50,000HP. This way the trigger has time to compensate for any delay, and usually by the time it fires, the warden should be dead and the actual read on the HP will be 0...sometimes though he may still be alive. Still trying to figure out what the number should be, it varies on how much DPS you're doing. My Monk averages 100k. Even if it fires too early and assumes he's dead when he's not, his HP is typically at 1% or less (on MP3, the warden's HP is about 5 million to start FYI)

      Going to see how this works. It's not perfect, but we want to make sure that if the warden drops off the ActorList, it's because he's dead. If he's not dead, you got out of range and we want to make sure you go back and finish the job. If you kill him, and it doesn't trigger the death script, then you just clear the entire profile. I'd prefer it to always fire though. Will let you know how my run goes through the night.
    12. V1er3oni5ca

      V1er3oni5ca New Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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      I will let you know. Good work.



    13. jackus

      jackus New Member

      Sep 4, 2012
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    14. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
    15. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      v2.0 BETA has been posted with new plugin. Please read notes. Keep in mind the word BETA :)
    16. jackus

      jackus New Member

      Sep 4, 2012
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      Testing v2.0 BETA
    17. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Thank you. I've been running it now for 8+ hours...found the warden and killed him every time (and even went out of range many times, died during the fight, etc)

      I did find an area in Act 3 where we don't search that spawns Keywarden so I added MoveTo points to the Stonefort profile. Will include in next release.
    18. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      No sooner than I said that and I watched the bot get distracted by a shaman at the end of Act 3...detected Warden but chased shaman way out of range and then continued the profile (the end of Act 3 has a straight line shot so not likely it would find it's way back to the warden if bot gets distracted).

      I had modified trinity to treat wardens as elites/bosses...though it seems that doesn't take priority over Shamans and certain mobs. I've added wardens to the special list of mobs to focus on when in the kill radius and set their priority to the highest, equivalent to Fallen Lunatics.

      That should fix the issue, but will need to verify. I know Fallen Shamans are to be attacked at any radius (ignores kill radius) in Trinity, but their priority is now lower. I would think now as soon as the warden is within the 35 meter radius, it should attack him regardless if a shaman is in sight 100 meters away. Keep you posted.
    19. Boom Fish

      Boom Fish Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      I love your work Maggi but a new plugin has come to us that requires the use of a custom trinity cs file same as your profile for keyhunting, I would love to be able to use both plugins but they both require custom trinity cs files i don't know what to do :) Unless you show us the custom code you added to the trinity file or you guys make a cs file that has settings for both.

      Sorry forgot to added the plugin address
    20. PangPang

      PangPang New Member

      Sep 30, 2010
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      First run of the v2.0 beta and a key of hate... worked flawlessly :D thanks so much!!!! :D

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