Stuck at Flight Master Using several level profiles I'm always getting stuck at the flight master. Log attached.
uhm if thats whats in the log i forgot to change the mode but ive definitely had the same problem using the questing mode
If you get disconnected, change toons, log out, etc.. it will stick at updating flight paths. In order for that to work you need to log in to a fresh WoW window. If you get DC'd or want to load another toon, u need to completely close WoW and reopen a new window.
im not getting discs or sth like it. the char is just standing in front of the flightmaster doing nothing // okay.. i tried what you've said (didnt help the other days because the problem came up every time i tried the leveling profile) and also disabled all addons - seems to work now - at least for the moment
pretty sure yes.. it is even happening when I had the problem - quit wow - start wow again log in - it's working then for for example 2 hours and gets stuck in the same situation then
Tony, this is the same issue that everyone has been complaining about since the 5.0.4 patch. The bot will go to the flightmaster, open the flight map and give one of these 2 lines in the HB log; Code: Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update, or Code: Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Then it just sits there. Sometimes stopping/restarting HB works, sometimes I have to shut down HB and the game client and restart everything, and sometimes I have to just take the flight manually. EDIT: I just noticed it happened when my toon was mounted. Trying to click on the flight path gave me a WoW error message that "You are already mounted", so I'm thinking that might be the cause of at least some of the issues. Can HB force a dismount before interacting with the flightmaster?
Seems like I always get stuck at flight masters when I am mounted. Just sits there the flight map open doing nothing ...