Hey, I just bought HonorBuddy today and was eager to get using it on a new account I just paid for. However, when I try to login on HonorBuddy Application, it gives me this error: "Authenticating.." "The HTTP connection failed! Are you sure you are connected to the internet?" --------- Debug Log: "[20:58:41:15] Securuty error:RemoteCertificateChainErrors [20:58:41:157] System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatus Unknown error." Any ideas on the cause of the problem? I know that I am connected to the internet due to me being on WoW, and posting this.
Sorry, can't find any "Edit" button. I forgot to say, but Firefox, IE and Google Chrome seem to bring up ALOT of Website's Certificate Errors, saying their out-of-date or can't be found. I don't know how to fix that problem, and could it be causing HonorBuddy to not function properly?
Check the date/time on your machine because I just checked the cert on the auth server and its functioning, legitimate, and up to date.
It appears my date was November 4th, 2004 lol, not sure how that happened though, changed it and seems to work.