Got this error: PHP notice Undefined variable: s /buddycon/protected/components/Randomness.php(75) 63 * @var array Keeps each pseudo-random datum found as a string 64 */ 65 $r = array(); 66 67 // Get some data from mt_rand() 68 for ($i = 0; $i < 32; ++$i) 69 $r[] = pack('S', mt_rand(0, 0xffff)); 70 71 // On unixy sustems the numerical values in ps, uptime and iostat ought to be fairly 72 // unpredictable. Gather the non-zero digits from those 73 foreach (array('ps', 'uptime', 'iostat') as $cmd) { 74 @exec($cmd, $s, $ret); 75 if (is_array($s) && $s && $ret === 0) 76 foreach ($s as $v) 77 if (false !== preg_match_all('/[1-9]+/', $v, $m) && isset($m[0])) 78 $r[] = implode('', $m[0]); 79 } 80 81 // Gather the current time's microsecond part. Note: this is only a source of entropy on 82 // the first call! If multiple calls are made, the entropy is only as much as the 83 // randomness in the time between calls 84 $r[] = substr(microtime(), 2, 6); 85 86 // Concatenate everything gathered, mix it with sha512. 87 // hash() is part of PHP core and enabled by default but it can be
Hei there I got the same error... the error occures after i inserted a new username and a password and clicked Submit. Any solutions? Chears neutron
Its the exec command. If i remember correctly it sometimes is turned off on some hosters. i have a modified version of the Randomness.php here: (untested!)
I get this message all the time. [bC]: {"response":"No User"} [bC]: {"response":"No User"} [bC]: {"response":"No User"} [bC]: {"response":"No User"} [bC]: {"response":"No User"} [bC]: {"response":"No User"} [bC]: {"response":"No User"} Self hosting it.
maybe a space at the end or the beginning. This error occours if buddycon doesnt find the apikey in the db ...
Hey thalord. How to configure the android app on my smartphone to get working with my own hosted buddycon ? ^^ thanks
Ich w?rde mir f?r die Website folgende Verbesserungen w?nschen. Adminoberfl?che wo man Accounterstellung ?ffnen, oder schlie?en kann ?bersicht ?ber registrierte Accounts zum anlegen neuer, oder l?schen alter Accountoberfl?che eine ?bersicht ?ber den Gesamt-Verdienst aller aufgelisteten Chars ?bersicht ?ber gelootete Vorkommen/Pflanzen/Fische aller Chars Ab und zu gibt es eine PHP-Fehlermeldung wenn man einen Char sich anschaut, der mit GB2 l?uft... anscheinend kann das Script nicht immer richtig die "Nodes per Hour" ausrechnen, oder so ?hnlich... ich mach demn?chst mal nen Screen wenn ich es wieder sehe.
hallo i set up my own server and everything seems to be fine. i have a user, i have api key nad i setup the plugin with the right url and api key. the only thing diffrent to your guide is that i?m using an selfsigned ssl certificate and https on port 443 here is the log entry... u know what can be wrong? [bC]: startAcquireFrame [bC]: gbankmoney0 [bC]: startAcquireFrame end [bC]: start sending data on [bC]: {"response":"No User"} [bC]: error send Object reference not set to an instance of an object. btw. great work
i know that i?m in debug mode, i enabled dubugging because of the [bC]: {"response":"No User"} message. and on the buddycon website there is nothing... so that are normal messages? is it possible to test the connection string like the plugin does? ha du sprichst ja eh deutsch .... kann ich irgendwie die verbindung des plugins testen? is it possible to test the connection with the plugin..? edit2: upload script works... aber immer noch keine anzeige auf der website website does not show anything edit3: changed the webserver to http and disabled ssl. now it?s working... very nice man
Hi there, I'm having the following problem. " Use of undefined constant lambda_748 - assumed 'lambda_748'". I got it after installed the fix from page 3 or 4. Greetings, *EDIT* After some try's I noticed that the value behing lambda is variable. Everytime if I press F5 to refresh the value behind lambda_ is different.
Hi thalord I got a new problem: I also hosting de pictures on the same server as the rest of the application. When i try to delete an image i got this error: Code: REQUEST_URI=/buddycon/index.php?r=screen/delete&t=1&id=30 in /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/protected/controllers/ScreenController.php (140) in /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/index.php (13) 2012/11/14 14:21:39 [error] [php] fopen(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 (/var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/protected/controllers/ScreenController.php:140) Stack trace: #0 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(3793): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs() #1 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(3810): CInlineAction->runWithParamsInternal() #2 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(3324): CInlineAction->runWithParams() #3 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(6255): ScreenController->runAction() #4 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(6264): CFilterChain->run() #5 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(3702): CAccessControlFilter->filter() #6 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(6297): ScreenController->filterAccessControl() #7 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(6252): CInlineFilter->filter() #8 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(3314): CFilterChain->run() #9 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(3299): ScreenController->runActionWithFilters() #10 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(1699): ScreenController->run() #11 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(1619): CWebApplication->runController() #12 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/yii/framework/yiilite.php(1144): CWebApplication->processRequest() #13 /var/www/neutron/html/buddycon/index.php(13): CWebApplication->run() Is there a workaround for the option "allow_url_fopen". Its not my server so i cant change it. Chears neutron ps: thx a lot for your work!!!
Ok, the only problem I'm having with Buddycon now is the Code: [bC]: {"response":"No User"} spamming up HB Log file, and no, I'm not in Debug mode.
Thist message will be shown if the Api doesnt find a user with this apikey so check Api key if its the same on your self hosted buddycon as in the plugin (maybe mixed up with