I could be that the default area for lvl 7 is still ashenvale. so dont worry. what happens if u do let him fly to ashenvale? have a look into your (original and not edited) pokearea.cs file in your pokeAREA folder. which profile ist used for level >=7 ?!
Yes but I still loaded in GB2 a very different profile. In Petare plugin itself I can not select a profile to load the it. Above all, he accesses the mobs also not in Ashenvale.
If PetArea is active, its not strange that it switches the profile to "LastUsedPath: E:\Honorbuddy\HB1\Plugins\PetArea\6-8-Ashenvale.xml" because thats what its meant to do. Have you set distance to 300 in Pok?buddy settings? its on tab1 in the settings screen. I think the default is 100, which might be a bit low if you're flying. Pokebuddy will attack ANY pet it can find within range. PetArea switches profiles and tries to blacklist lowlevel battlepets (5 levels below your lowest lvl pet) before pokebuddy attacks it.
These are the settings i advise for leveling It will prefer to use lowlevel pets, unless they have really low HP or have an extreme disadvantage against the other pet (mechanical vs elemental for example)
Bot attempts to mount all the time when in a pet battle resulting in spam in the logs. i.e.: [BB] Parsing 73 < 30 [BB] Parsing False = false Mounting: Red Proto-Drake Mount Time: 1828.1046 Mounting: X-53 Touring Rocket Mount Time: 1825.1044 [BB] Parsing 66 < 30 [BB] Parsing False = false Mounting: Rusted Proto-Drake Mount Time: 1797.1028 Mounting: Black Drake All the time. Also it doesn't kill mobs when it walks into them. One last issue; when I set the range too low the bot just flies around far above the ground and when I reduce it so that it actually engages pets it engages EVERY pet it finds which results in it not being able to change zone due to being dragged back by all the potential battles. Any fixes?
So my pets are levels 6, 4, and 4. I'm in Northern Barrens as per Crowley's profile, but I have not seen a single battle pet above level 3 here and the bot will not engage them because they are too low. What gives?
Thought I had foudn something earlier, but i can't find it again and I know there wasn't an alternative solution- plugin works great and the custom configs are a breeze; only problem is polymorph still just sits there... i tried to put in custom behavior but the pass/swap if hasbuff822=true wasn't working. i found the portion in the code for the passing but not familiar enough w/ c# to pinpoint what's going wrong. i *think* this is the relavent part of the log: Code: [11:46:00.210 D] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, UInt32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext) at System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, Int64 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext) at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext) at Styx.MemoryManagement.Executor.Execute(String debugMessage) at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnValues(String lua, String scriptName) at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnValues(String lua) at Pok?buddyplug.Pok?buddy.GetEnHealth() in \Plugins\Pokebuddy\Pok?buddy.cs:line 547 at Pok?buddyplug.Pok?buddy.ParseLogic(String theLogic) in c\Plugins\Pokebuddy\Pok?buddy.cs:line 778 at Pok?buddyplug.Pok?buddy.Pulse() in \Plugins\Pokebuddy\Pok?buddy.cs:line 244 at Styx.Plugins.PluginWrapper.Pulse() at Styx.Plugins.PluginManager.() at Styx.Pulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags) at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.() at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.() edit: comparing those lines w/ the c# doesn't look like that would be doing it...eh i dunno
it's when you get polymorhped vs. frogs, i saw in the script that it's in there but a bunch of stuff in the passing section are commented out, this is what i had in when i tried to manually make the individual pet pass: <Logic>SWAPOUT Health(THISPET) ISLESSTHAN 30?PASSTURN HASBUFF(822) EQUALS true?CASTSPELL(2) COOLDOWN(SKILL(2)) EQUALS false?CASTSPELL(3) ENEMYTYPE ISNOT CRITTER?CASTSPELL(1) ENEMYTYPE ISNOT HUMANOID</Logic>
If your using GB2 to load the profiles makes sure PetArea is disabled. You can also open up Petarea.cs, located in your Petarea folder, in an editor of choice and change it around to suit your own needs. What area you want to go to when. You can even put your own profiles in there if you wish Put the Pokebuddy and Petarea folders into your Plugins folder. Should look like Plugins/Pokebuddy and Plugins/Petarea Set your distance to 300 on the first tab of the Pokebuddy config screen. To get to said screen goto plugins and highlight Pokebuddy and press 'settings' on the bottom left. If that isn't the problem please post log. Since some of the pets there are level 3 the plugin should still attack them. The plugin will attack any pet that is less than 5 levels below it and since 3 is only 1 level below 4 and 3 levels below 6 it should attack them. Put the Pokebuddy and Petarea folders into your Plugins folder. Should look like Plugins/Pokebuddy and Plugins/Petarea
pause button needed Is there a possibility to automatically deactivate the bot while he is switching a zone? Because there is a problem sometimes! A big one if u ask me. If the bot wants to switch a zone, he auto attacks each pet available in range. even pets that are far higher in level then your fighting-combo! this really sucks, when u cross zones and you are flying above an area with high-level-pets. it takes hours until you reach your destination (I mean the first hotspot in the newly loaded xml file where to continue battling). 2nd best solution: implement a blacklist for higher pets! another problem is, that the bot sometimes fights low-level-pets. I mean, he simply ignores the blacklist range from the pokearea.cs file. dunno why he does this. It mostly happens when I am crossing kalimdor from desolace to the souther barrens. when he passes thunder bluff, he always wants to battle a level 1 pet in thunder bluff. really strange thing. best solution: an automatically activating "battle pause mode" while switching zones xml files!
Already have thought of the best solution, got other stuff messing up my time schedule but (probably) the next release has something to counter this
I got an idea! What about doing this: Set the distance to battle a pet to range zero or one, when loading a new xml file. and when reaching the first hotspot of the newly loaded xml file, the return it to the value it had before! would this be easy to implement?
Not really, it would be easier to implement 2 value's : Do not attack pets lower than X levels below my lowest pet Do not attack pets higher than X levels above my highest pet. All the other solutions are like stinky bandaids, it will stop the bleeding but man... the shit that follows....