My first time using, excuse me for a stupid question but I cannot find anywhere on the forum for a BG profile. I mainly bought this so I can grind out battlegrounds for honor but I don't see a profile anywhere? Can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks!
What are the specific Instructions every time i Q i keep getting this and he stands there and dose nothing, RandomBattleground [BGBuddy]: Queueing up for RandomBattleground [BGBuddy]: Queueing up for RandomBattleground [BGBuddy]: Queueing up for RandomBattleground [BGBuddy]: Queueing up for RandomBattleground [BGBuddy]: Queueing up for RandomBattleground [BGBuddy]: Queueing up for RandomBattleground [BGBuddy]: Queueing up for RandomBattleground [BGBuddy]: Queueing up for RandomBattleground
Yeah because I don't see The BG Q little eye on the mini-map looking, Could this be a part of my setting, or my clasS? I'd think BM hunter is played a fair bit