please note that you don't have to redo honorbuddy. I have done this many times and all you have to do is delete the cache. Delete everything inside the cache folder within HB.
Vego is there a way to clean up the SVN as well. I mean having 2 Klaxxi files and such is a little bit confusing. I understand it has the version number but would be better just to get rid of the out of date one within your SVN
This profile just sold 1000Gold worth cooking supplies because <SellWhite>True</SellWhite>... and a lot of other stuff... buff food, fishing lures, equip items.... Thank you.
not working on any of the quests. View attachment 6736 2012-11-11 17.00.txt had to keep doing them by hand. not sure whats wrong with it just keeps trying to loot corpses that have no loot
im pretty sure it probably something im messing up but im not sure what. it gets stuck on every quests so far ill post attachments log if tht helps . View attachment 3392 2012-11-11 17.49.txt
What do you mean freshly updated? I didnt tell honorbuddy should be updated, it needs to be fresh copy of honorbuddy, without cached daily quests.
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create 'CurrentBehavior' in quest bot; an exception was thrown: Could not find file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\Новая папка\Quest Behaviors\RampageAgainstTheMachine.cs'.
thanks for the profile, works really well. since this morning my char moves kinda strange. it makes a step, stops for a second, a step, stop aso. didnt recognize this behavior when i ran it yesterday. made any chances?
im not sure what u mean by fresh honorbuddy, do you mean close it after any other bots used the reopen and start it with your profile? or is there something i have to clear?
Very strange error because I have this profile in C:\Honorbuddy\Vego\Klaxxi Daily Quests v.2.0.xml What can i do ?
* English Big problem. I used yesterday and it worked perfectly made Klaxxi quests. Today is no way to do quests klaxxi (island) and lotus (phase 1). The bot does not move after you kill 1 or 2 mobs. * French Gros probl?me. Je les utilis? hier et il a parfaitement fait les qu?tes des Klaxxi. Aujourd'hui pas moyen de faire les qu?tes klaxxi (?le) et lotus (phase 1). Le bot reste immobile apr?s avoir tuer 1 ou 2 mobs.
Quick tip to increase efficiency during "Rampagae Against the Machine" greatly. Add Code: Lua.DoString("CastPetAction(1)"); right before Code: Lua.DoString("CastPetAction(3)"); in line 145 of RampageAgainstTheMachine.cs. This will make you use the 1 Skill during the Mantid, it's great to pull alot of Mantids and also causes no GCD. Also you basically tag every monster in 50 yards range even if they are killed by others.