This does not work for me at all. I downloaded the newest Version of HB, this CC and deleted the standard CCs in the CustomClasses Folder but my Pala is only autohitting mobs. He does not want to use any aura, nothing... . My Paladin is LVL 80, just wanted to farm a little bit but it is hard with only autoattack, no buffs nor aura. X-(
How about pressing the General Settings tab, press the CC Configuration button, set all options and try again?
Brand new toon level 1. Not targeting anything, so no error messages exsist. Have pull set to no or melle.
Code: #Out of Combat - Health is at 18%, **Holy Light**# **Holy Light** #Out of Combat - Health is at 19%, **Flash of Light**# **Flash of Light** #Out of Combat - Mana is at 66%. **Divine Plea**# **Divine Plea** #Out of Combat - Health is at 33%, **Holy Light**# **Holy Light** #Out of Combat - Health is at 54%, **Flash of Light**# **Flash of Light** #Out of Combat - Health is at 61%, **Flash of Light**# **Flash of Light** #Out of Combat - Health is at 68%, **Flash of Light**# **Flash of Light** #Out of Combat - Health is at 82%, **Flash of Light**# **Flash of Light** So out of combat he do divine plea and then try to heal imself while he still have divine plea but since divine plea cut all heal you do by 50% it is not very effective.. could a check be added, if you are under divine plea and out of combat wait to heal?
I have good news for many of you. Liquid is going to be adding battleground healing code to Convalesce. He takes 100 percent of the credit since he is doing all the work. The goal is to have a fully functional healer in PvP. I dont know when it will be release but if its anything like ShamWoW, it will be awsome. He will also maintain all code aspects having to do with PvP healing at his discretion. Again, 100 percent of the work is done by Liquid. While he is working on that I will be working on Cimmerian and Breakneck. Stay tuned for 3.3 Beta 4. And Rep Liquid, he is doing me a huge favor.
Ooo sounds awesome. I imagine healing is susceptible to looking bot like with the current less-than-brilliant HB (for pvp that is).
got 2 problems with this cc... first the fleeing mobs he doesnt follow to kill he just loses target when the mobs start running tried HoR on flee, doesnt work. Hand of freedom doesnt work, im actually killing mobs which r rooting me after i killed the mob im still in the root for like 3 seconds and hes trying to move
I've noticed that on occasions where I use range to pull with Convalesce and it drops target and reacquires once the target is within melee range, it does not use melee skills other than the auto attack to kill it. Is this a trip up in the code, or something that easily resolved?
That doesn't exactly solve the issue. I have seen it done with melee pulls too. I don't think it's a configuration issue that is fixable by the end-user.
Slight problem that is lowering my kill rate and xp/hour. Every now and then my pally will stop using skills and just auto attack mobs. He will heal himself when needed but only kill the mob with auto attacks. This seems to happen randomly and not sure exactly what it is. Any ideas?