Honorbuddy v2.5.6396.497 started. Logging in... Old shop logins have been converted to keys. Please use the key you received in your registered email address. Authentication failed! Logging in... Old shop logins have been converted to keys. Please use the key you received in your registered email address. Authentication failed! Logging in... i still have this problem. I was told to send a E-mail to the buddy support and i did. This was the answers i got: ok! who cares Is that what the support is suppose to say to a fellow member -.-
register here Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal using the same email u used in checkout page and you will be able to track your key
I thougt only me that have this kind of shitty answer. this is a couple of answer from them : bullshit i call that, they do NOT deactivbate themselves and even if they where deleted, you can reregister them please send me you payment informations about the invoices really, another wall of text ? who is supposed to read that ?!?!?! I fucking only asked for the fucking USERNAME that you used to login when using HB and GB then you get a key, right now you are simply making me angry i only tell them to change the email that i use when i was bought this product, because i have forgot the password and the security question to retreive the email password, and i havent log for a long time to those email. And look what answer that i have?? i dont understand, how could support team answering with that kind of language?? that just really brainless answer
I don't understand why the email support is so hostile. Most of the support posts aren't that bad, even the locking ones. What gives?
to be honest.. it is not THAT hard to follow instructions / search in the forum and or read a quick guide... just to be fair, those hard working guys are human like you and me! i assume that you got angry when some older people were asking you (in your eyes retarded) questions about, e.g. the computer.
i got the same error, went to the mail, got new key, activated it and voila, botting aggain. simple, quick, and all necessary infos are provided. if you forgot your mail/pass w/ever, its not the problem of the support. since they keep track of your key via the purchase mail i guess youre the one who messed&fucked up, and then running to the support, arguing and crying about your own faults ... well ...