Anyone who comes here claiming he was successful at getting people banned is full of baloney! Blizzard does not keep people posted concerning their investigation of accounts. Blizzard is much more private about account actions than these liars want us to believe. The only way anyone would know that accounts got banned from being reported is if they were his own accounts.
Are you saying your trying to report bots and see if they get banned and its not working? They arent getting banned?
Pitmouse can't read. Banned characters still have their armory intact so this is not a way to confirm somebody was banned.
I have only personally known 2 people who were perma-banned from WoW. Both of the toons could be seen in the armory, but neither were guilded or on a server - they were just off in limbo land. I have never seen that happen on any other armory, so maybe it was just these 2 situations.