Hello When i start a grindprofil like virmens Nest , Kota peak or something else wow freezes .But only with grindbot all other runs perfect gatherbuddy bgbuddy and so on . This Problem Starts since i installed win8 before i had Windows 7 and there the grindbot works! I made a fresh install of HB but nothing helps! And where can i switch of deathcrip with Frost dk using lazyraider ? I try the tips from other threads here but he still uses deathcrip
yes every grindprofile with different chars .....all the same prob! With Win7 all Grindbot profiles works but now i have Windows 8
got same issue aswell on grindbot/bgbot/proffessionbuddy wow freezez after a while sometimes it can be less than an hour and sometimes it can be like 2-3 hours or even more before it happends
yes i been having the same problem grinding wow would freeze and crash after awhile. w7 64bits wow 32bits windows mode dx9 or dx11
Seems to be working. If not, I'll update this post. Edit: Still freezes. At least on Windows 8 Pro 64bit.
Same issue here, After about 3-5 minutes of running wow freezes Win 7 64bit, wow ran 32bit straight from .exe dx9 and 11
will test now (will edit results) with Win 7 64b DX9 32bit wow.exe set to High priority Use Mount off
ok i tryed with questing bot instead of grinding (with a grind profile) it works for over an hour now