When I open WoW and then Honorbuddy and log in I get the following message: "Could no load file or assembly 'Tripper. Tools. Version= Culture=neutral. PublicKey Token=c40611ce03f849a2' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified." I do not have previous version of Honorbuddy installed as I am on a new laptop. I have already downloaded and ran http://www.thebuddyforum.com/releases/68254-problems-new-install-buddy-product.html I then restarted my laptop, started WoW and ran Honorbuddy as administrator but I still get the same error message. Please help.
make sure all Hb files are under the same folder and dont use any shortcuts for Hb exe also add an exception on your firewall for Hb
Well it turns out it wasn't under the same folder so I put it under the same folder but now when I start it up I have different error message. It says; "The type initializer for 'Styx.Helpers.UISettings' threw an exception." EDIT: Just some other threads on this and they said to use Direct 11 in the WoW launcher > Options > Game Preferences > Direct 11 I was using Direct 9 before like the Quick Startup Guide said to. Thankyou for your help