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  • First time selling gold...

    Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by jackfoerster, Nov 18, 2012.

    1. jackfoerster

      jackfoerster New Member

      Sep 8, 2012
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      The first person I ever sold too seemed nice enough, though he insisted I "Go first" because I didnt have anyone to vouch for me. He takes my gold, blocks me off of skype, and ignores me in wow. I was furious so I opened a ticket, convinced blizzard I was hacked by this person, they mailed me back 70k gold (He only took 50k) and one of the person's guild mate who I was talking too telling him to get the guy to give me my money back whispered me and told me the thief's account was perma banned.

      Scum of the earth
    2. Lulutk

      Lulutk Member

      Sep 27, 2012
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      That sucks, but worked out for you in the end. I only sell to guildies and friends among friends. I usually sell 100k/$145 at least 10 times a week. And I always give them 10% free. Just keep that in mind. And it's much easier to sale and a lot safer.
    3. xkingthugx

      xkingthugx Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      I like your story man!

      Lol I did not tell my story but it had the same type of scenario as yours. Guy goes off after the trade and opens a dispute on paypal. I contact blizzard support by phone, and they give back my gold and some other BoE items I did not have. Guy starts spamming me, saying give me all my gold back or ill ban you, etc. Report him for harassment and he gets banned. All in all I gave him 25k gold and 54k for some reason, he closed the dispute thinking he would get all his gold back, but didn't. So I just won twice when he tried to scam me.

      Funny thing is he ddosed me for 1 hour then I called my isp and changed my IP, if he did not scam this would have never happened.

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