With so many profiles out there, Which are you guys using that is 100% afkable for what levels and so on, Please post if you used for ally or horde, or even both and if you were able to afk or not ;P
I love kick's questing proflies, those are the once i've used, sure some quests are needed to do manually but usually it's working flawless!
Same here. Been using Kick's. I don't mind having to do a couple quests for it as I never afk longer then 15min while botting.
Its pretty much perfect untill outland, it went completley wrong in Nagrand, took ages to do the quests, then it would abandon them and do it again, so i used dungeonbuddy from there to around 75
I use these profiles http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/submitted-profiles/68612-cava-s-profiles-lvl-1-a.html http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/submitted-profiles/82688-botanist-pangaea-project.html http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...es/50549-kicks-mega-profile-packs-1-90-a.html
1-15 by hand, 15-80 dungs and 80-90 bgs. its not the fastest but its 100% afk and no need to baby sit at all, like some q's need user assist or it bugs to some objects u need to interact with.