disable DB's inactivity timer and then turn on the inactivity timer in RadsAtom Also; I just posted two versions of this profile compatible with the beta of Atom, one runs the profiles in the same order as the github link and one randomizes them (but always runs fields of misery last). the one with random in the name is the random one.
this doesnt work at all for me, when i start the profile it just stands there, i changed DBs inactivity timer to 0, using latest version of GilesTrinity and RadsAtom, any ideas?
the profile is the one u have on topic 3.0.3+random (same problem with the 3.0.3 w/o random) and rads atom is version 1.5.1
there's your problem. Note how both of those also say Atom 2.011+ (they require the beta test version of Atom) if you want to keep using RadsAtom 1.5.1, use the github download link https://github.com/Acronic/A1CH/zipball/master
Just wondering... how do I run this profile in normal mode ? Simply change "Inferno" to "Normal" lines in all .text files ?
yup! make sure you have the quest unlocked in normal too though. And technically, you only need to change the difficulty in the start_here file, assuming you never get disconnected . safer to just change them all though
Why have I only got one key from running this profile about 48 hours? And btw is it possible to teleport to town, and start the next profile instead of leaving game when you stuck?
Im not sure if i fucked anything up but my toon just stand in city I got radsatom and giles. it stand still for 2-3min then all over again
That is probebly beacouse he has linked to the wrong plugin... Try this RadsAtom It also seems to stuck alot
This was working fine for me earlier today and now suddenly it just sits in the town when i start it and doesnt move at all.. is there a way to fix? i have the beta atom 2.0.16 If i try to make any of the others run they run fine untill they finish the zone then just run at the blacksmith, the STARTHERE one however does not move at all.
It doesn't work with the Beta RadsAtom. Just use the 1.5.1 posted at the first post. If you have used the beta and then switched over to 1.5.1, you will have to delete the compiled assemblies folder first.
Hey guys, why can't I use the plugins in my db ? Or how can I use them ? There's just the empty textblock and I can't use "config"...
Hey just be sure that you extract the plugin to your Plugins folder (for example "C:\Demonbuddy\Plugins\"), so you now have eg "\DemonBuddy\Plugins\GilesTrinity\GilesTrinity.cs"... if you have some files in that folder and your db plugins tab is still empty you have propably one folder to much, such as "\DemonBuddy\Plugins\GilesTrinity\Trinity\GilesTrinity.cs" .. hope that helps!
I am having the same issue as the one you replied to. I had both atom and radsatom. I've deleted radsatom out of my plugin folder as well as deleted my compiled assemblies folder. My character still stands in town. Any tips? Nevermind. Figured it out. I think I confused myself Thanks anyway!
Hi, Thank you for the great profile. This is my first time using DB and I am loving it thanks to you and the team. I have a question: Which quest should I start off my character with? Thanks!