Any chance of getting a download for all the current mesh files available for HB2 from the developers? I realise that Honorbuddy downloads them as required, but with the release of two expansions since I started, I think it would be good to do a refresh of my mesh folder and I don't really want to have to download them all again as required, as this can be slow and unproductive when my bot just stands there while waiting for them to complete. There was a package available for download many moons ago, it was about 500MB when they first brought out the new pathing system. Would love for a current one to be made available for MoP as it is now, even if it is not maintained, it gives us somewhere to start if wanting to start from scratch.
Botanist's Profile collection Look there, Botanist has a fairly well updated SVN with 450Mb Mesh files.
I dare say my mesh collection is more complete than that, as my current mesh folder is 541MB. What I am wanting is a complete pack from the developers so that I know my meshes will be current as of the pack's compilation. Failing that, I would have to delete my folder and start again, something I don't really want to have to do.
Thanks for bringing botanists meshes to our attention. We do not allow the distribution of meshes outside of our servers.
Gah, your welcome, now i just hope i didn't got Botanist in troubles :/ how does the hole managing of Mesh files works anyway in HB? When a part of the world is re-meshed, does the client understands that and downloads / updates the new Mesh? Or would it be better to delete every now and then all your Mesh files so that we get the newest from the HB server? BW
if theres an update to the meshes on our server, it will always download the latest ones, so if we decide to fix a stuck spot for example the minute we push it out everyone whos in the area using that mesh will go "oh look this one got updated!" and will download the latest from us. since we're always making changes its not feasible for us to release a "Pack" because they will be come outdated as soon as they are released.
Correct. When a mesh is updated, HB will detect that the meshhas been updated. It will delete the old one and replace it with the new one. And Botanist is not in trouble (by me anyway) We don't allow the distribution of meshes because its sort of a security feature. There is also the support factor. We will not support something that is required for our bot to run, distributed by someone else.
Thank you both for the answers. Makes sense do not release a pack and keep a tight lock on the distribution of the Mesh files. Bw
I'm just trying to avoid downloading over 100+ mesh files slowly as they are attempted to be loaded, as I said even if its not maintained into the future, at least if any change it's only going to download a handful. it was more of a personal request anyway to serve my own needs, not a general suggestion. But it's clear from the language being used that the answer is a no, thanks for reading anyway and for your reply.
there is no need to use mesh packs or something,most likely they will be outdated and will give you problems thread closed