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  • chance of getting banned

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by yujin93, Nov 21, 2012.

    1. yujin93

      yujin93 New Member

      Nov 21, 2012
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      Hi guys!

      I just bought the bot and it works amazingly well. However, im wondering what are the chances of getting banned while using this bot.
      My friend told me that blizzard has a program "warden" that scans the computer's processes.
      I am afraid that if I overly use the bot i will get banned.
      Any idea on what might get me banned?

      Thank You
    2. fr3357

      fr3357 Member

      Jun 16, 2011
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      read ban reports look into what they do. warden scans for things such as X amount of things if u hit x >= then possible flag. if X< you should be good. more or less its common sense. Normal player does X so when your more X then usual looks funny. generally its hard to get banned, unless your using grind bot or if your getting reported alot.
    3. alpha2twin

      alpha2twin Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      To be honest mate botting in any way can get you a straight out ban. So if don't bot with an account you care about or in other words your "Main" account.

      About getting banned though, it really depends. There's no set way to 100% avoid bans but I've been botting for over a year now and haven't been banned yet, received a warning though lol :p

      So a way to somewhat avoid getting banned is to have a schedule and don't bot 24/7, do stuff a human would do eg. talk to some guildies or friends and do some stuff by hand like weekly LFR and just general stuff like that, being active on your account other then simply botting will help avoid some bans.

      So to sum it up, don't bot 24/7, act human and don't do the same thing over and over but swap around like archeo then GB and then some BGBuddy.

      Hope that helps!


      ***EDIT oh ya forgot to mention that HB works somewhat like an addon I think so the chances of Warden picking it up are very slim AFAIK :D
    4. bradallaround

      bradallaround Member

      Jul 26, 2012
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      Text wall incoming:

      Honorbuddy monitors the code of "Warden" and (as far as we are told) if Blizzard changes this code even by 1 character the bot will automatically stop working in order to avoid detection by Warden. Honorbuddy's team would then circumvent the new code that was trying to detect us, and make sure it couldnt before re-enabling the bot.

      The other ways to get reported and then in turn banned are too many hours in 1 location, your bot getting stuck, your bot looking "bot-ish" (do anything a human really wouldn't like accidentally pacing between two spots 5 times in a row or something, getting stuck on an object and jumping weirdly to get unstuck, etc - this could easily get you reported by a player)

      Like so many say, don't bot what you wouldn't want to possibly lose. That being said I bot my main account, and try to be safe, and I would be upset if I lost it, but that is the risk we take.

      Just be smart, don't bot hours and hours a day, don't bot the most "known" profile on the forums, etc. At least that is my advice. I definitely push my hours per day by a long shot, but that is kinda a test as well, lets me see just how far an account with a ton of high lvl toons can push the envelope before getting banned simply for the amount of time I am online. At this point it seems really hard to get myself banned based on playtime.

      Also it is good to realize that if your account is an older one, if you break the rules and get caught, there is like a 90% chance (if you submit a VERY nice and "playing dumb" ticket) that you'd first get a 72 hour ban, and then the second instance where they caught you, you may get your account perm banned, but again, you submit nice tickets and (hopefully) get them back. I think they are generally less quick to deny a request for an un-ban on an account with a lot of months or years of legit looking playtime. After all they know people get greedy and they dont want to just eliminate 25% or more of their player base.

      I had 6 accounts that were running for 18+ hours a day doing the exact same thing all day (each only had 1x 85 on them) which got unbanned even after 1x 72 hour and 2x perma bans. It really depends on the GM in my honest opinion.

      That being said, better safe then sorry, and I am lucky to have had that kind of luck.

      Sorry for this incredible wall of text!
      Last edited: Nov 21, 2012
    5. Dark57

      Dark57 New Member

      Jun 6, 2012
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      Your friend is misinformed, Warden.dll is not able to scan your computer like it once was. Now Warden can only monitor certain things, this bot is not detectable by Warden.

      The bot has measures to circumvent the whole auto-detection thing, which is why bot use is so rampant on every server. The only real way to be detected and banned is if you set off to many flags (which we can't say for sure what they are as Blizzard obviously does not release that information) or you are reported for botting.

      If you do not bot AFK, monitoring your bot as you play and make sure he isn't derping into things or repeating the same profile/action for too long you should be fine. Smart botting pays off, so unless you're running a giant gold farming/selling business where getting banned doesn't matter you should bot cautiously and never on a main account.

      I bot on three accounts at the same time I play my main account (multiple monitors) and so I can watch each of my bots while I'm online. They don't share the same online times, log off times, or run the same profiles. I've used the bots to level multiple 90's now on each of these accounts. I don't run the bot when I'm not at my desk, or for extended hours. With HB I have received zero bans so far.

      Also look into how to make your own profiles, I write all my own profiles (except for Kick's Questing, kudos to the god of quest profiles) and don't share my personal ones. If you cannot write your own profiles, then look into getting someone to write them for you (normally costs some cash) so that you're not running the same one as everyone else. You don't have too, but its better than running the same profile as 20 other botters and getting reported by a bunch of greedy botters. Yeah, it happens, so always stop the bot if the profile you are using it being shared with others as there are a bunch of honorless botters that try to thin out the competition.
    6. bradallaround

      bradallaround Member

      Jul 26, 2012
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      Good words... just use as much common sense as you can. Any time I have gotten banned (on gold farming accounts) I was pushing the limits of my conscience, so I seen it coming, and was (normally) not suprised.

      The more common sense you use, the farther you will go.

      If you want to be super careful just:

      Don't be AFK while the bot runs
      Use private profiles whenever possible (hard to come by if you dont write your own)
      Avoid BGBuddy (it follows the same path as all the other BGBuddy users and is very obvious, for the time being.)
      Install some plugins to alert you when you get whispers - check the plugins section on here, examples are LogMeOut and Zapify to name a few. These help a ton.
    7. rubberjon

      rubberjon New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      this ^^

      I've only been botting (mildly) for about 7 months, I have a main account that I, very occasionally bot with when I'm lazy (using lazyraider, funnily enough) by controlling movement and letting the bot do the rest (LFR/PVP)... it's a 2004 account with things like murloc pets, oldschool mounts, tier3 gear etc on it.

      I have another, seperate account with 2x farming chars on (pvp geared) - I'll bot for about 3-5 hours a few days a week using HBrelog and buddymanager to switch profiles and chars... mats are then sent to my main account for crafting and selling - works out about 5-10k per day I bot depending on how well things sell and I keep the gold I make.

      So far I haven't had a ban/warning... but things could change, I would be upset if I lost my main account but that's the risk we all take. As far as anyone knows Blizzard can't detect the use of honorbuddy automatically, however it's easy for pretty much anyone to spot the tell tail signs of bot movement nowadays and 90%+ of suspensions or bans WILL come from people reporting you.

      There was a blue post in the wow forums a while back explaining that "it's just not feasible to have GMs watching any more... they can't stress how important it is to use the report tool" etc so, for anyone worried about GM "eyes in the sky" watching you as you farm herbs, it's not likely.

      There are things you can do to make it "safer" IMO (though this is speculation):

      a.) use a plugin or tool that switches profiles and/or characters every so often.
      b.) don't bot for long periods at a time, people take breaks, go afk etc.
      c.) typing /DND will just make you stick out to other people
      d.) if you're botting in BGs then install plugins like ultimate pvp suite and/or iGlue that will at least make your movement look a little more human (strafing, staying behind players etc) even if you are bunched with other buddies. If you're using a healer then nowadays it might even be wiser to use lazyraider and set a random person as a tank to follow/heal.
      e.) having a separate account doesn't guarantee that your main account won't get banned (if blizzard rally investigate they will see transfers of mats/money between the accounts) but if you can get one then it will likely make it slightly safer... you could also go further with a separate PC/IP address (using V-P-N) for the bot account.

      It's better that you use a "when" not "if" attitude towards getting banned, that way you won't be so disappointed if it does occur. If you're worried about losing an account then don't bot with it... really is that simple.
    8. yujin93

      yujin93 New Member

      Nov 21, 2012
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      Hi guys!

      Thanks for your replies and your advice. i will surely check out the plugin page and see what i can use to notify me of unwanted guild offers and whispers.

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