three accounts all same time got banned. I was running a lvl76 mesh/plugin. all got 72hour ban anyhow, how many more warning do i get before perma ban? or do i need to transfer these toons to a fresh clean account already? Do you get one 72hour then perma? or how does it work. **FORM** 1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? HB 2)If so, when was the last time?: July 15, 2010 6:00pm pacific 3)What profile were you using?: Dranek lvl78 4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: ski warlock, druid chicken, priest 5)What plugins are you using?: refreshment, telent 6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 15h 7)How many auctions per day did you have?: 1 8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? WowInfinity 9)Was your account involved in gold selling? no
ugg, im gona just have to suck it up and see if the second time around is a perma ban or not. problem is they're all RAF'ed so most likely will get banned all at same time. This time though i think it was because all three were running same profile, and someone must have reported me. I'm hoping its that someone reported me, cause i'm almost lvl80 on all three. and by then ill be runing seperate profiles for each. But ya, do you get three strikes or two strikes only? I'd transfer them to new account, but whats gay is it costs almost $80 to get up to wotkl on each account. ON all three i botted like 20hours. only used hb so far. Ohh well, fuk it ... now i know i need to get 4 accounts instead of three, one that is legit main , and the others i need to start farming gold soon as possible so i can trade 12k gold for 6month card on illidan. so i get freebee accounts. assuming i dont get perma banned anytime soon
I had a 72 hour ban back in like 2008. If i get caught again is it still perma ban? This was also b4 i merged the account to a bnet. dunno if that changes anything -edit- Btw can u pm where u get those 6 month game cards from for 12k gold? that seems like a bargain
There realy isnt set rules for 72 vs perma.... At least that I have heard of. So at any given moment if you have had a 72 hour or not you could be perma'd... case in point have 5 accounts this weekend perma'd... all differing longevitys of being open dating back as far as 2005 or 4. to brand new. So its kinda like dealing with the police... Somtimes when doing 70 in a 55 you get caught sometimes you dont... IF caught sometimes the cop will let you off with a warning sometimes the cop will give ya a ticket. Just luck of the draw.
Lovely, not sure if its taboo to talk about other bots here (i also got pirox). haven't used it since i like HB more, but when i get 72hour suspension done, im going to run one of them with pirox and other two with HB. I'd like to see if both get banned at same time. To see if which one gets banned first next time or both at same time. In meantime, guess i need to go buy another $80 Wotkl fresh account to transfer my lvl80 main (add $25 for that). And keep the other three bots botting 24/7. This stuff is getting expensive.
Dumb question: I'm creating a 4th account that will be my MAIN (zero botting will be done on this, except for maybe wowinfinity but thats a different story as the only way they ever ban WI is if they detect you speedhaxing or noclippin in person). ANYHOW..... because the previous three accounts are using same Creditcard and are RAF'd and my fourth account will be too - if I never BOT on my MAIN they have no right to ban it even when my other accounts get banned? in other words they dont go around checking creditcards and then auto-banning anything linked to it?
Only servers that freely sale these on TRADE chat are large servers like : ILLIDAN/MAL'GANIS/BLACKROCK Also make sure you only chat to these people with an account you don't mind getting flagged with, thats just me being paranoid as most of these people are legit real life players usually kids who dont have CreditCard but have a bunch of gamecards sitting around. Ohh typo on 6month i meant 3month. But either way, all my bots pay for themselves using this, u just have to be in a large server with tons of spam (yes, spam is good for when you see people selling this kind of stuff undetected)
Hey thanks for telling me. 1 more question. If i have a few wow accounts under the same account. 1 gets banned for botting. Do the others?
That is the 1million dollar question that no one has ever found. i have them all linked and made no difference, for example a main account that never bots cannot get banned even if RAF'ing with bots
I've been using another bot "pirox" for a while without bans...until this freaking update. I don't know what's up, if it's all bots or just some or some bullshitty Blizzard trickery. God damn Blizzard. Had 3 accounts banned.
he used wow infinity to thats what got him banned someone saw him flying or doing a no clip thats why i only bot
If you are who I think you are, you play on Illidan and you were botting exactly where I was like 3 times lol.
And you reported me? lol, just kidding bahh, well i'm almost 80 on my three accounts, so now im gona use gatherbuddy. So on Illidan that means ill be farming with 100 other bots same area ... yet ppl using gatherbuddy didnt get caught this week?
It all depends on what you do the next time, or actually what your caught for. Ive been suspended 3 times, then perma, and ive also been just perma'ed, it all depends on what you get caught for.
Sounds to me like your accounts are active for too long in terms of time. I was averaging 16 or 17 hours a day when i recieved my 72 hour. I appealed it and they lifted it but clearly if u r on like crazy hours it looks susp.