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  • [Stable] Honorbuddy

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Hawker, Jul 12, 2010.

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    1. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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    2. sowbener

      sowbener New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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    3. tonygms

      tonygms New Member

      Feb 19, 2010
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      What CC were you using?
      Default CC

      What profile were you using?
      Rewrite Dwarf 1-60 Questing

      List any plugins you were using:

      What area did the bug occur in?
      Wetlands - Dun Algaz

      What was your toon's position when the bug occurred (X, Y, Z coordinates)?
      <Hotspot X="-4333.415" Y="-2495.464" Z="230.8422" />

      What type of bug are you reporting?
      Navigation / Stuck

      What was the bot's current action? (Check your logs)
      "Dismount to get unstuck."

      Explain the bug in as much detail as you can:
      Toon was attempting to generate a path to loot mine node which is on hill too steep for it to get to.
      Toon jumps up and down in intervals of 2-3 seconds

      Steps to reproduce the above bug:
      "Questing" mode enabled
      "Harvest Minerals" option enabled.
      Toon at level 47, Start HB while located in Ironforge

      Anything else the dev team should know?
      I cut out about 30 minutes worth of the log attached as it was over the 1mb limit.
      It was none the less the same error for the past few hours.

      Attached Files:

    4. mbrooks102

      mbrooks102 New Member

      Jun 16, 2010
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      this is just a calm opinion, im not angry or upset, just expressing honest feelings as an HB customer.

      first off i want to say there have been versions that have made HB run very smoothly and for the most part bug free, for that, i thank you. the program has unbelievable potential and when working properly is obviously an amazing bot. hoiwever, there have been versions of HB that work extremely well and others that just do not(like this one). basically ever since the warden 2 patch i have just been very disappointed with HB and the amount of bugs that were never an issue before, and not quite understanding how they are an issue now (unless recoding HB really fucked things up).

      im not trying to flame the developers or anything at all..just expressing my opinion as a customer of honorbuddy and i think its important that you guys hear honest opinions about your product. will there ever be a release of HB that will be bug free? or for the next year (my HB subscription) am i going to have to sit at my computer and literally watch my HB not crash or freak out every 5 minutes. its one thing to release a beta but to call it stable and have it not be stable just is very frustrating, especially that i feel there are more new bugs than bugs fixed with each release. the bugs that cause this have already been brought up by people in this thread so there is no need for me to post logs or anything of that nature, and that also is a seperate issue and doesnt deal with the current question im asking. i just want to know when HB will be able to be left alone for hours without having problems. thats what i bought this for, i would assume others feel the same way.

      I am just under the assumption now that HB has been and will continue to be in a BETA stage. It seems to have been this way since HB first came out a year ago. That is fine, obviously you need build after build to get the thing right. However, if you are charging people 30 dollars for a program that consistently crashes enough to where it is almost not worth botting at all, it raises some concern. It would be like blizzard charging people money to play the SC2 beta when it wasnt a final product.
      Last edited: Jul 17, 2010
    5. lightingthunder

      lightingthunder New Member

      Jun 28, 2010
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      I agree with this post
    6. mbrooks102

      mbrooks102 New Member

      Jun 16, 2010
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      just honest feelings...i am not trying to come off as a flamer or anything but i would like to see what some people have to say about this.
    7. MDurner11

      MDurner11 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      A respectable opinion, and I commend you for expressing your viewpoint in a civil manner.
    8. mezz0

      mezz0 Member

      Jul 10, 2010
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      I agree with everything said above.
      I'm very impressed with HB's pathfinding; but all the rest is just too unstable to leave running unattended.
    9. lindstedt56

      lindstedt56 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Few things...

      In pvp the targeting is very slow it selects someone and by the time thats done the target is eiter dead or too far away. In eots when it jumps out of the capsole its clicks in a weird pattern on the ground.
    10. Toxonuts

      Toxonuts Member

      Jan 25, 2010
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      EDIT: Never mind, I had the wrong setting ticked. Works good. :)
      Last edited: Jul 17, 2010
    11. Lt.Leon

      Lt.Leon New Member

      May 19, 2010
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      I guess it just makes no sense to me to try to complain, as I've been used to things not working properly, and me having to either fixing it myself, or using what I can use.

      I can understand that people are upset with the version, but nothing is perfect, shit happens, im not flaming the post above, just stating my point of view like mbrooks102.
    12. Meatyfrog

      Meatyfrog Member

      Jan 31, 2010
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      I do not agree with his point of view, just because the simple fact of there is someone always trying to break their software. They are still recovering from the huge update to warden. I feel it is unfair to judge in a perfection based idea, and whatever can be used at the current point in time should be considered what is available, you either have 2 choices deal with the few minor/mediocre bugs or find another bot that takes safety to such a standard that the HB team does. I myself find the HB products a great accessory to my WoW playing experience and if you do not find it similarly I do not understand why, unless you expect them to be 1 button click and profit.
      Last edited: Jul 17, 2010
    13. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      The well thought out post is a breath of fresh air. So thank you.

      There will never be a release that is 'bug free'. It's an impossible task for any software. Period. Very few bugs, etc, sure. But never bug free.

      Have you reported the 'crashes and freak outs'? Quite a few bugs have been reported, and from what I can tell; most have been dealt with already. (To what extent, I have no idea.)

      In my honest opinion; most of the issue comes from trying to please all the customers, and pushing things too early. This release was a vast improvement over the last 2 or 3 releases. (Regardless of the odd issues some people are having. Most seem to see a much better product, while others do not. It's just the way things work.) I think people need to take a step back, and think about what it takes to write a bot that is not only user friendly; but extensible by just about anyone. One of the few reasons Open-Bot really shined, was that we didn't care what the 'user' wanted. We only cared about what 'we' wanted, so we always had a stable bot, even if the 'new users' had no idea how to properly use it. It wasn't our problem. [The issue about free vs paid.] The HB devs try hard to please everyone, but I think they need to start doing things the way they need to do things, to make it a better product in the long run.

      Most people (hopefully) would rather wait 2 weeks for an awesome release, than have a shoddy release every week.

      Lastly; USE THE BUG TRACKER! It makes it far easier for things to be tracked, and fixed if the developers can keep a running list of 'shit to do'. I use bugtrackers for almost all of my personal projects. And it always keeps me on track of what I need to be doing.
    14. aven59

      aven59 New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      I agree.

      I'm still using HB1... I've tested some questing with HB2 and got disapointed...
    15. dayloon

      dayloon Active Member

      Mar 5, 2010
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      I personally think this release is far better than the previous efforts. If skinning and the problem with the bot not moving after handing in and picking up a quest was sorted out, i'd be very happy and think it could be classed as stable.
    16. likwid818

      likwid818 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This release is hands down one of the best releases. To people whining about it crashing every 5 minutes: There is a problem ON YOUR END. There are hundreds of people using the bot with great stability. There are very few who are having actually stability (crashing, freezing, etc) issues currently. That should tell you that ITS YOUR PROBLEM.

      Like Apoc said - there will NEVER be a "bug-free" release. That's not how software works. Especially software that is used by hundreds of different people, in many different countries with different languages and cultures. People do things differently, and quite honestly .. most of the people having problems with Honorbuddy are generally complete noobs when it comes to computers (and sometimes I think they are noobs when it comes to common sense as well).

      Very few people actually do like they are asked and provide clear bug reports with good logs. I'd say 80% of the posts I see with people having problems DO NOT EVEN HAVE A LOG ATTACHED. It's like people just don't understand the fact that they cannot be helped if they do not provide a log. People just don't get it.

      I, for one am having a great time with this version of HB. As a matter of fact, I've been botting for almost 10 hours RIGHT NOW, without problems. Not a single glitch, crash, freeze, anything. Don't believe me? Check the attachment.

      Attached Files:

    17. wilsonj17

      wilsonj17 Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I dont seem to have major problem's with this release and i also agree that this is one of the best improvement's in many month's and im very happy now, the only problem i seem to be having is when the bot goes to vendor to repair or sell and just stand's there till i go AFK and then i get dc'd but i heard this is a common bug and already fixed in the next release, also i have to say the targetting has been vastly improved and im very pleased with the buddy product's once again :)
    18. peteyboy23

      peteyboy23 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Agreed. We understand these things take time to cook, but it's been months since I've personally been able to use HB with good results. Whether it's an HB or a profile problem, that doesn't matter. You are charging for a product that isn't complete, yet is listed as "stable" which it is far from. Just the bug reports from this latest version alone should tell you that. Also, more testing needs to be done before a so-called "stable" product is released to your community. We are paying customers, not beta testers, and should be treated as such. I don't think there's enough of a respect for your customers (us), and we get treated as if this is a free bot. If we optionally want to test parts of HB/GB which you state are beta, that's totally fine, but that should be stated up front. Charging for a product which is by no means complete, is quite frankly, unacceptable. But the state of HB right now is frankly poor, and the development team needs a serious wake up call.
    19. likwid818

      likwid818 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You mean like when you click "Questing - BETA" in Honorbuddy to enable the BETA questing functions?

      You have to remember that HB was created as a grinding bot. Plain and simple. It works brilliantly as a grinding bot, arguably better than any other bot on the market (free or paid) - all of the added functionality (mixed mode, skinning, pvp, questing, etc) are REQUESTED features. People want to see them. You don't just go from having a stable bot that does 1 thing - to having a stable bot that does 5 or more things without problems.

      The fact is, the GB/HB community is not big enough to have a "set" of BETA testers, that test new features before they are stable, as well as having a "set" of customers who use only "stable" versions of the software. So the dev team does their best to implement requested features and then (this is a shocker) the people who requested them get to use them and test them (and hopefully properly report bugs). What is so hard to understand about that?
    20. Beastslayer

      Beastslayer New Member

      Jul 17, 2010
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      Actually, HB is tested before a release. They give it to many CC developers and the CC developers's friends.

      While, this might not be classified as "BETA testers", it is a beta release, and they are testing it before it is released.
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