Fantastic profile, just hit 50 with little help from me! love when i wake up it has shifted from one zone to another! fantastic.
i love this profile. so far its gone from 1-42 with zero help from me. have done everything in only 2 sessions so far only using gear that i picked up from grinding. using a shaman
How to edit sell list? How can we edit so Skinning loot isnt sold? all of the light/medium/heavy/etc hides are being sold and we need those for LW
I wish I knew. It sends the leather to my bank but all the hides are sold which is f-ing me over when I try to level skinning
Not that im sure but just by looking in the file 1-60 Horde. this could be how to do it. just look your hide or whatever it is on Wowhead. and use the last 4-5 numbers on url. and add it to the list like shown below. plz correct me if im wrong here. <ForceMail> <Item>2589</Item> <!--Linen Cloth--> <Item>2934</Item> <!--Ruined Leather Scraps--> <Item>2592</Item> <!--Wool Cloth--> <Item>4306</Item> <!--Silk cloth--> <Item>4338</Item> <!--Mageweave Cloth--> <Item>14047</Item> <!--Runecloth--> <Item>21877</Item> <!--Netherweave Cloth--> </ForceMail> This list is alot longer, just wanted to give you an idea of what to look for. Btw i just opened the file up in Notepad, nothing fancy.
Just because i'm nice.. <Item>738</Item> <!--Light Hide--> <Item>4232</Item> <!--Medium Hide--> <Item>4235</Item> <!--Heavy Hide--> <Item>8169</Item> <!--Thick Hide--> <Item>8171</Item> <!--Rugged Hide--> <Item>4461</Item> <!--Raptor Hide--> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paste this anywhere into the ForceMail list in Horde1-60.xml. Or download this modded profile.
I added <Mob Name="Deepstrider Searcher" Entry="4687" /> to desolace but it still seems to die quite often to them. Doing 17k/h ish as lvl 33 and hunter so abit low
i am having problems with raptor grounds.. my rogue keeps dying a lot and when he dies in raptor ground he aint movin from the graveyard.....i have to kepp an eye on my rogue all the time.....freaking me out...any sugestions?
Felfire Hill (Level 29-32) consists of fire resistant felguards (50% damage taken) and fire immune infernals. Just a word of warning for those casters that use fire spells.
Profile looks very good to me. But I had massive problems in Un'Goro because of Elite Raptors and King Mosh. Even though i added King Mosh to avoid list, my toon constantly pulled him. As a workaround, i removed the waypoints in the profile and replaced them with the following code: Don't forget to add 16 to the factions making your toon attack the tar lords. The waypoints are the area below marshals refuge (lakari tar pits)
Ehm..i just tried this profile and as soon as i started it up all i got was a thousand times "resting"...
I don't see how everyone is having alot of problems. I've been running this profile without problems (knock on wood) and seems amazing results! Personally, Honorbuddy is a amazing bot and Bliiik did a fantastic job with this profile.
This profile has been working great up to lvl 22, but then my char stoped to buff , heal and use attacks on mobs..onely using white dmg..anybody els how had the same problem? maybe I should restart the pc to?
Until past desolace my hunter died alot, so does my demon warlock (lvl 30 now) and feral druid (lvl 26)
Problems in Ashenvale Splintertree Post profile, the toon dies then tries to rez but this profile is in between 2 Spirit Healers and so it cannot rez the same every time as when you die you might not get the same spirit healer every time. Apart from this small problem the profile is great! Prefect for leveling any class, got my Mage from 1 to 27 in 3 days, only problem is this rez thing