You can try increasing the radius of Molten Trail in trinity. Your bot will still walk into it trying to go after Odeg (it's not quite smart enough to know how to coherently "walk around") however the increased radius should help it avoid it a little better. I'd play around with it and see how it effects your attack on him.
bot won't load plugin at least it ins't available under plugin checklist have trinity, atom, and keyhunt plugins. when i put in key, both atom and key don't appear. if i take out atom, only trinity shows (still) if i take out key, trinity/atom show up. that's all i got.
what version of DB you running, a beta? I'm using the public release, keyrun and trinity. Make sure only Trinity and Keyrun are in the plugins directory and see if that works. I've been running under the latest release and it works fine with trinity v44. Make sure you aren't using rixx's version of trinity as he has changed some stuff with doesn't work with the existing version I have posted for KeyRun (if you are using Rixx's version, let me know and I can provide a link to a compatible version of keyrun). I know it works with the DB public release as I'm using it. Worst case, do a fresh install. Honestly, I haven't done a fresh install myself in ages but for some reason it fixes some people's issues.
Does not work for me as of today, please see below for info CLEAN INSTALL DB - 1.0.1194.285 (latest) Plugin - Key Run v1.3(does not show up on DB - only one file in the download (KeyRun.cs) Plugin- UnifiedGilesTrinity_v0.45 - Does not show up in DB, 2 files in the plugin Gilestrinity.cs and Glies Trinity.xaml.) I get an error when DB loads Compiler Error: d:\New Downloads\Demonbuddy 1.0.1194.285\Plugins\KeyRun v1.3\KeyRun\KeyRun.cs(18,7) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'GilesTrinity' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) No point in putting up the log since that is the only thing it says. I downloaded everything from the OP links. Thoughts?
Try unified 44 real quick for me...perhaps 45 something screwed up. I've actually skipped 45 and gone to the Community Edition which will be it's replacement once all the kinks are worked out. Let me know if 44 fixes it for you and I know 44 works for sure. (dunno how much Jubisman changed 45).
Just got this profile and enjoying it so far. Ok not sure but thought I would ask. Bot died fighting the keywarden, instead of going back, he logged out. Is that normal ? Can you not die killing the warden ? [21:22:44.909 N] [KeyRun] ========== DIED BEFORE KILLING KEYWARDEN - RESET AND GO BACK ============ [21:22:44.989 N] Clicked revive button [21:22:48.212 N] Waiting 6.9 seconds before next game...
It shouldn't have logged out. Can you post a full log so I can see what happened? Also make sure no version of RadsAtom/Atom is running as that might interfere with the trinity death handling I have in place.
Stupid question perhaps, but why when setting up with YAR is the profile a .cs? YAR doesn't recognize this as being a "profile" and frankly I don't know if I am doing it right
Anyone else getting this stuff when attempting to load the "unified" version? [06:59:50.974 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\XXX\Desktop\New folder\Plugins\GilesTrinity\StashSellSalvage.cs(128,32) : warning CS0436: The type 'GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity' in 'c:\Users\XXX\Desktop\New folder\Plugins\GilesTrinity\!Template.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity' in 'c:\Users\XXX\Desktop\New folder\CompiledAssemblies\Giles_634896827896585789.dll'. Using the type defined in 'c:\Users\XX\Desktop\New folder\Plugins\GilesTrinity\!Template.cs'. this scrolls the whole screen so I dont think its loading properly..
Why plugin doesn't leave game after killing keywarden and picking up the key? Wtf out of range? It killed keywarden, picked up the key and began running through all profile in a loop.
Check your keywarden assumed death HP. If you're doing a ton of DPS, you may have killed him before my HP check could fire (it pulses every few 100MS, but sometimes it can be delayed, there is no consistency to it with DB). Try increasing the 350,000 to something higher. I see 785,133 "," 6? Not sure why the comma is there but the way the check goes is the last time the warden "existed" he had that amount of HP left. You might have to bump that assumed death # to something much higher. Play around with it until you get it right. 350,000 seemed to be a decent number for damage around 100k DPS. You can change it in the profile XML at the top.
If warden is not found he start all over in the same game. It would be nice if it leave game if warden is not found/trigger wtf it says