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  • account has been closed and is no longer available for play

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Gundraker, Nov 26, 2012.

    1. Gundraker

      Gundraker New Member

      Aug 6, 2012
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      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? gb2

      2)If so, when was the last time?: 11/26/2012 about 10:30pm atlantic time

      3)What profile were you using?: TLPD - Bors Breath GB2

      4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Fpsware AIO

      5)What plugins are you using?: rarekiller

      6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 12-16

      6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? to be honest not that much i mostly ran it when i was sleeping or had to go out for a couple hours

      7)How many auctions per day did you have?: number of items posted 25-30ish bu the actual number of auctions was well over 100

      8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? no

      9)Was your account involved in gold selling? nope never

      10)EU or US realm? argent dawn-us

      been playing since 06-07 never ever had any warnings, temp bans or nothing and now this happens?? at the time of ban i was camping TLPD using GB2 BORS BREATH PROFILE but prior to that i was using vo4w insane i believe i farmed for about 16 hours straight with maybe 5-10 minute breaks every now and then but it seems that wasnt long enough i may have gone a little overboard filled up my 4 tab guildbank then decied to go do something eles i went to storm peaks flew around farming herbs there while also looking for TLPD about an hour or so later didnt wanna do anymore so just went to one of his camp spots and watched some tv couple minutes after waiting at that spot boom disconnected? then i recieved this email a couple days befor this i leveled fishing and cooking from scratch again i left my bot on for quite sometime mostly when i was sleeping with little to no supervison at all(besides waking up every couple hours to see if he got stuck) the only thing i can think of that i got nailed for was buying raf gametime i bought some the night of october 28th only for it to be removed on november 3rd yet they said this has no action on your account that is the only time i have never sold gold or ingame items for cash -,-

      ***Notice of Account Closure*** Account Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy This account was closed because one or more characters were identified exchanging, or contributing to the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency. This exchange process negatively impacts the World of Warcraft game environment by detracting from the value of the in-game economy. Even if this is the result of account sharing, the account owner can still be held responsible for the penalty because of the impact it had on the game environment. We've found the above behavior is many times directly related to groups responsible for compromising World of Warcraft accounts; we take these issues very seriously. To better understand our position against exploitative activity and the risks involved, please review this article: Impact of Buying Gold - Services - World of Warcraft The exploitative activity that took place on this account violates the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask you take a moment to review these terms at Blizzard Entertainment:Blizzard Legal Documentation. Note that additional Terms of Use violations may result in more severe actions against this account, up to and including permanent closure. If you believe your account was compromised, please go to the following website https://us.battle.net/account/suppor...-recovery.html. Our support staff will assist you as soon as possible. If you are unable to access your account due to the password being changed, please visit our Login Support site here: https://us.battle.net/account/suppor...ord-reset.html For any disputes of this action or further information on exploitive activity, please visit the Account Administration Overview and contact page here: http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/300515 Regards, Customer ServicesBlizzard Entertainmenthttp://us.battle.net/wow/en/


      Account Closure Notification -- Exploitative Activity Found

      ‏please release my ban on my Account as i have no idea why this has happened. I have a couple of family members that play on my account at different times and we have not done anything wrong to our knowledge . We have read the terms of service and dont understand where we went wrong. The banned says the following.." Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy....so this must have been auto mistake or glitch as i wasnt contacted in game . I have never partisipated in any ilegal activities such as gold selling or buying.. We have been playing a few more hours than usual as we want to level to get our food and flasks etc. So it was alot of gamming contiuiously playing as we love the game. So can you please take my ban off so i may continue to play again.So we do love playing and each of us can play for like 6-7 hours at a time due to our work schedules....lol please help us in this matter...thanks Sincerly (my name).

      This is the latest response from Customer Support: Greetings, Thank you for your follow-up contact. An additional review of the previously communicated action taken against the World of Warcraft account (xxxxxxxx) on (xxxxxxxx) has been completed. Unfortunately, we have confirmed our initial findings. The account action will not be reversed or amended. We base all of our actions on the severity of the violation, and take previous violations into consideration. This action has been taken in accordance with the Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment:World of Warcraft Terms of Use) and our In-Game Policies (http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/20309), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to participation. While we understand that you may disagree with some of the policies or conditions, the bottom line is that they allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment. We hope this has resolved any concerns you may have had. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Regards, Blizzard Entertainment https://us.battle.net/support/en/ What does the ?Answered? status mean?- A ticket in ?Answered? status means that a Customer Support representative has provided an answer to your ticket. What can I do next?- You can click ?Need More Help? in-game, after you view the in-game response.- Or, you can choose the ?I still have a problem? option on the ticket detail page. Please note that if you choose this option, your in-game ticket will be converted into a web ticket. It will no longer be viewable in game, but will be visible on the Blizzard Customer Support web site instead. If you have additional questions or concerns, please log in to the Blizzard Customer Support web site at <http://www.battle.net/support/> and reply to the ticket. Regards, The Customer Support TeamBlizzard Entertainment

      Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
    2. Remstar

      Remstar New Member

      Feb 5, 2011
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      I got banned on 4 accounts for this reason also just 10 minutes ago..
    3. bonkia

      bonkia New Member

      Nov 1, 2012
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      got mine aswell
    4. Gentle

      Gentle New Member

      Mar 11, 2012
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      Stating that other people (even if they're family members) play on your account makes a weak appeal, as this is just as against the rules as botting is.
    5. Slighted

      Slighted New Member

      Jan 25, 2012
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      I have never gotten a suspension or warning before and just got my account permanently locked. I didn't even bot that much but left it running for a few hours without watching it. Am I done or any chance of getting it back?
    6. bonkia

      bonkia New Member

      Nov 1, 2012
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      petitioning, i really dont care either way. i quit for 3 years and the only reason i started playing is HB if they dont want my business they can blow me. just write it up like wtf butthole i had a raid tonight lol..
    7. buzkil

      buzkil New Member

      Oct 4, 2012
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      YE i got 2 accounts banned it seems like these mini ban waves are becoming closer and closer to eachother
    8. Gundraker

      Gundraker New Member

      Aug 6, 2012
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      What are the chances of them reopening my account and when i call them tomorrow should i switch up the story a little or stick with what i said in my online appeal?
    9. bonkia

      bonkia New Member

      Nov 1, 2012
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      I really dont care if i get it back.. When it happend before and i had the same mindset i had it back within the day.. But really i dont care there loss me and my friends will just go back to playing GW2 and blizz can suck on deee nutz and i wouldnt change your story if you already submitted the thing... people who lie cant get there storys straight... Thats why cops questiong you upside down and backwards... Ive already submitted mine... to who it may concern... I had a raid tonight... your "system" screwed me out of my raid slot and a day of CDS on my proffesions... Pls look into my account actions as i have dont nothing wrong... DarKmoon fair is coming so ive been grinding herbs extra hard lately.... Each passing day is a day wasted... Kindly unlock my account or ill gladly take my money elsewhere...
      Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
    10. Aroxan

      Aroxan Banned

      Jul 25, 2012
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      ^^ I lol'd. Love it.
    11. Gundraker

      Gundraker New Member

      Aug 6, 2012
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      they refuse to reopen it what should i do now?

      Greetings, Thank you for your follow-up contact. An additional review of the previously communicated action taken against the World of Warcraft account (xxxxxx) on (xxxx) has been completed. Unfortunately, we have confirmed our initial findings. The account action will not be reversed or amended. We base all of our actions on the severity of the violation, and take previous violations into consideration. This action has been taken in accordance with the Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment:World of Warcraft Terms of Use) and our In-Game Policies (http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/20309), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to participation. While we understand that you may disagree with some of the policies or conditions, the bottom line is that they allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment. We hope this has resolved any concerns you may have had. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Regards, Blizzard Entertainment https://us.battle.net/support/en/ What does the “Answered” status mean?- A ticket in “Answered” status means that a Customer Support representative has provided an answer to your ticket. What can I do next?- You can click “Need More Help” in-game, after you view the in-game response.- Or, you can choose the “I still have a problem” option on the ticket detail page. Please note that if you choose this option, your in-game ticket will be converted into a web ticket. It will no longer be viewable in game, but will be visible on the Blizzard Customer Support web site instead. If you have additional questions or concerns, please log in to the Blizzard Customer Support web site at <http://www.battle.net/support/> and reply to the ticket. Regards, The Customer Support TeamBlizzard Entertainment
    12. alca2012

      alca2012 New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      i love that?s pre-made e-mails of them.
      txt and txt and say nothing.
    13. Gundraker

      Gundraker New Member

      Aug 6, 2012
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      so i should call them stick with my story and i will have better luck?
    14. alca2012

      alca2012 New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      when they replay you that way, there is not much thing you can do it.
      If you re-open the case, they will send a e-mail telling that is decision is final and will no replay any futher e-mail.
    15. Gundraker

      Gundraker New Member

      Aug 6, 2012
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      They reopened it but still banned for 4 days
      when i get it back what should i do continue to bot or lay low for a bit? If it happens again its closed for good
      Last edited: Dec 2, 2012
    16. fluky1

      fluky1 Member

      Dec 20, 2011
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    17. maxfx

      maxfx New Member

      Jul 20, 2012
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      I do notice that these ban waves almost every time occur there is a "MOP" or cata exclusive -50% offer.
      Anyone see what blizzard does there?

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