Hello! Start wow x32 client dx9 other bots work norm, but when start PartyBot it's stay and don't follow the Lead (Fight, Loot, Skinning work norm) Please HELP! _______________________________________________ Best Regards
Hello! I use only 1 session license. Connect from 1 computer (or another computer) Can i use PartyBot with 1 session only? (Like a healer friend __________________________________ Best Regards
You are having issues connecting to our mesh server. Please open UDP and TCP ports 5031, whitelist HB in your anti-virus, and any other firewalls. If you are at a school, government, or work building - you may have to contact the system admin to open UDP and TCP ports 5031. Also look in your hosts file and delete anything pertaining to buddyauth. I'm just taking a guess because I cant read russian.
Thanks I turn off all anvivirus (Avira Free) and common windows firewall, but partybot don't follow... Where can i download meshes manual? (any SVN?) or how i can test port 5031 manual? p.s. in default folder C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes there is, but not very big ~ 3,65Mb ____________________________ Best Regards
Hello! It means i need to buy second license honorbuddy bot to play with another hb bot in party mod? Can it be realized without buying second hb license? (I play main in full screen and start second session with hb bot in windowed with partybot mod?) ________________________________________________ Best Regards
It sounds like you need a 2nd license for the leader. Partybot gets info from the leader's session of honorbuddy once the leader plugin is enabled if I'm not mistaken... That's why it requires you to play both instances of wow on the same CPU. Or maybe setting the file path of the mesh folder to a network located file for both computers would work. Havn't tested it though...
Thx, for answer. Any Moderator can talk more about this? If need second license, can i start main in full screen? (Don't like play windowed) _______________________________________________________________________ Best Regards
Hello! Big tnx! Lazyraider solved the problem p.s. add the manual, if anyone wants to play by the action invite a Friend, with single HB license is best to use Lazyraider on the follower. _____________________________________________________________________ Best Regards