Look at my title => Loot every Mob, not only one after a fight with more than one Mob I grind on a spot where i can kill with one pull 2-3 mobs, but HB will loot only after the whole fight* (thanks blizzard ...), not every single mob after he is dead, is there any "Pluginthing" possible for that? * - Kills/hour: 230 - Loots/hour: 86
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...d/69300-plugin-combat-looter-5-0-x-ready.html this should be your best friend
i dont follow, what difference does it make, you get all the loot anyways. if u kill a stack of 3 mobs then hb says kill/hour: 3 and loots/hour: 1, but u get loot from all 3 anyways so im confused in whats the problem! And its slower to loot after everymob!
Like defender said, With AOE looting, you only have to actually loot ONE mob to get all the loot from mobs within about 30-40 yards. Kill 100 things Loot one body Get all loot from 100 bodies.