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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by TomDanz, Nov 28, 2012.

    1. TomDanz

      TomDanz New Member

      Oct 24, 2012
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      * New load balancing is in action. This should help our servers to handle heavy load in a distributed manner.
      * The well disguisted bug which is related to mounting up that would sometimes cause stop&moves and freezes on wow has been fixed.
      * Fixed an issue with debug privileges on windows 7 and 8 that would cause random Win32 errors with ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory calls.
      * Bot no longer prints "User pressed the stop button" when an error occurs, and the user hasn't actually pressed the stop button.
      * Fixed an Arithmetic overflow exception when getting threat entries for mobs.
      * WoWUnit.IsDead has been changed slightly to take into account mobs that "appear" dead, opposed to being "actually" dead.
      * Added Living Steel to Protected Items list
      * Should now purchase food and drinks from vendors in MoP. Some "drinks" on MoP vendors may not work, please let us know so they can be added!
      * Changed the speed calculation in the stuck handler to account for swimming. Should no longer think its stuck while swimming, when it's not!
      * Targeting filters adjusted slightly. Should now ignore all friendly targets when adding targets back on the target stack.

      * Added CombatRoutine NeedDeath, Death, and DeathBehavior. These will be called before any actions in HB when being dead. This allows the use of soulstone, ankh, etc.

      * Now waits for the lag duration before interacting and after looting the fragments.

      * Startup location for horde in Temple of Kotmugo has been changed to avoid running against the wall.

      * Quest turn in issues resolved.
      * Added handling for daily quests being added to the completion list wrongly.
      * Fixed TurnInQuest to not add the quest it's on as completed when it's actually not.
      * Fixed an arithmetic exception that could be thrown in the area points for quest objectives.
      * More strict file saving for the completed quest cache. It will now save whenever there is any update to the completed list.

      * Window location saving fix for out of boundry positions. (Developer window not showing and such.)
      * Default window sizes have been modified to serve better user experience.
      * Advanced Mode setting is removed in Settings & Tools window and it is on by default.
      * Pressing enter in login window acts like clicking login button now.
      * LoginWindow password field is removed since it is not used anymore with the move to key system.

      As the download comes up. I then hit, 'yes' then it comes up with a black box saying Waiting for process Honorbuddy [PID: 3920] to exit... I went out to school for the day and i came back and it was still like this..? What do i do? :p
    2. conetopia

      conetopia Banned

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Can't download honorbuddy version .516?
      download from the top of the website.
    3. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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