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  • [A3 Inferno] Alkaizer RUN Gnome Proof - Unstuckable

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by gnomegawd, Nov 17, 2012.

    1. gnomegawd

      gnomegawd New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      access to pre-release restricted to donpro accounts.
    2. gnomegawd

      gnomegawd New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      yes I am aware of the 5.5 stuck loop, it's internal program issue on my side. I believe I fixed it, great note, great bug report! That's exactly how to report them, after stuck, look for what coffee break it was at and report the number, make it much easier for me to track and fix.
    3. gnomegawd

      gnomegawd New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      even v2.5O.2 is smoother than previous versions, at about version 2.98 I failed to optimize loops that can cause very weird things to happen, however; people still have lots of success with old versions.

      v3 is currently testing flawless, breaks normal everything normal, minor tweaks to KD2 yet and to ac2 but those are still a little back burner.
    4. gnomegawd

      gnomegawd New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      Latest DB has FIXED SOME incredible things, I was already aware of the TP bug, and was compensating with WaitTimers inside the code. Now these all have to be removed ! yay! or not, and leave them just in case db breaks that again...
    5. JustAFarmer

      JustAFarmer New Member

      Jul 21, 2012
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      when version 3 is coming?
    6. InMemories

      InMemories New Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      Hey there. When I last wrote here in this thread, I was using your 2.5O.1 I think with GilesTrinity Community Edition with RadsAtom 1.51 and it was running perfectly. Now with the old Atom 1.5.1 and the old Trinity and your latest version will get stuck. It does pick up items and runs perfectly until the invetory is full and it has to go back to town. It will not continue the run from there. No matter what version of you, versions of atom or trinity. No change when using other combat routines. (belphegor, trinity) .. any idea how to fix that?
    7. lancerx78

      lancerx78 New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      Thanks for this Profile I have used to to level my barb to 100, then my monk to 75 and Wizard to 75. It has taken very little time averaging over 40m/hour, and that is over a 12 hour period. Great Profile.
    8. gnomegawd

      gnomegawd New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      looks like 2.5O.3 test version nearly ready.
    9. gnomegawd

      gnomegawd New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      2.4 landmark version (old code)
      2.5 landmark version 1.06 d3 and reworked loop

      if you started rolling back versions I would be interested to know if it starts to work again, new versions don't have all bugs worked out yet. and if you are talking about new rads atom.. then this 2.5 versions will not work on it at all. basically impossible, the entire thing needed to be re-written for new rads, was pretty dramatic for me this change.

      So now supporting the old code still, would like to finish a solid version 2.5-2.6 and end the old one there. so people always have option to use old giles and old rads 1.5.1 (possibly stable release) however I believe it's more rads dependent than anything.

      2.5O.3 looks like it can take the new position of 2.53 it's just that good.

      and I hope to remove the coffee break code a little before version 2.6
    10. MRBONEZZ

      MRBONEZZ New Member

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Tested Version 2.5O.2 (debug version) for 1 run, and it worked fully without getting stuck^^
      thank you for the great work.
    11. UFCFreak89

      UFCFreak89 Banned

      Jul 26, 2011
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      Tipping 20m US Softcore to anyone who can help me optimize the Giles to increase my xp/h with this profile.. i have an EXTREMELY high end barb. Please do not bother if you are changing 1 option, i am looking to find someone who has gone to lengths to find the best setup.
    12. gnomegawd

      gnomegawd New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      [16:09:48.489 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:09:48.489 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:09:48.489 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:09:51.493 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:09:51.493 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:09:51.493 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:10:33.904 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:10:33.904 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:10:33.904 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:10:36.939 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:10:36.939 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:10:36.939 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:10:39.946 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:10:39.946 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:10:39.946 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:10:42.956 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:10:42.956 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:10:42.956 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:10:45.962 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:10:45.962 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:10:45.962 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:10:48.984 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:10:48.984 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:10:48.984 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:10:58.061 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:10:58.061 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:10:58.061 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:01.113 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:01.113 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:01.113 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:04.191 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:04.191 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:04.191 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:07.237 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:07.237 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:07.237 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:10.252 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:10.252 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:10.252 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:13.279 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:13.279 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:13.279 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:16.294 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:16.294 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:16.294 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:19.326 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:19.326 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:19.326 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:22.344 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:22.344 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:22.344 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:25.366 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:25.366 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:25.366 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:28.380 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:28.380 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:28.380 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:31.423 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:31.423 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:31.423 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:34.476 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:34.476 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:34.476 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:37.479 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:37.479 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:37.479 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.
      [16:11:40.506 N] [Trinity] You are 2113.149 distance away from your destination.
      [16:11:40.506 N] [Trinity] This is too far for the unstucker, and is likely a sign of ending up in the wrong map zone.
      [16:11:40.506 N] [Trinity] Anti-stuck measures now attempting to kickstart DB's path-finder into action.

      best bug ever.... especially when I am in the RIGHT MAP ZONE!.

      unified trinity bug yay!
    13. SHJordan

      SHJordan Member

      Oct 20, 2012
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      @gnomegawd, had sent you an e-mail to the address you have sent me.... but... still not answered... can i have access to v3? =\
    14. MeridithAve

      MeridithAve New Member

      Nov 4, 2012
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      Can you add Rakkis and Skycrown ??
    15. JustAFarmer

      JustAFarmer New Member

      Jul 21, 2012
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      Last edited: Dec 1, 2012
    16. Volac

      Volac New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      Hey new DB user here so this is the first profile im trying out. I take it the 2.50.2 ARC (debug) is the one I shuold be running even though it's a debug version?

      Anyway it works flawlesly for 1 run then as soon as It starts the 2nd game/run DB starts to lag up D3 to the point of it beeing unbotable. I checked the logs briefly and found this that looked like some error(atleast to my newb eyes) beeing spammed over and over.

      Is it because it's a debug version only ment to run for 1 game or am I doing something wrong?
    17. gnomegawd

      gnomegawd New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!

      The Trinity 299 Bug, ! yay !

      simply shut demonbuddy off and give up!

      oh lol, no, just shutdown dbuddy, restart debuddy and it should work normal.

      This BUG 299 Happens for Many reasons:

      Loading other profiles while you had other profiles running, etc etc etc...

      Load clean startup demonbuddy run the profile again. Report please.
    18. Volac

      Volac New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      Lol you had me almost banging my head on my desk :)

      Tried that ofcourse, a simple restart/reset is the first thing that comes to mind. Somehow when I restart DB your profile now seems to autoload but I get some message saying the wrong profile was loaded. Yours is the only one I have downloaded/installed at the moment.

      Is the a way to unload profiles?

      Edit: Here's the error i mentioned.

      [00:46:25.163 N] Loaded profile 01.1 v2.5O.2 ARC - debug version [Galkaizer] The Arreat Core Startup Script LOADED WRONG - but loading alternative profile...
      Last edited: Dec 1, 2012
    19. gnomegawd

      gnomegawd New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      I code combat also, but those are ultra private... I have an amazing dh giles combat routine .. 6 weeks programming on it.
    20. gnomegawd

      gnomegawd New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      I thought I replied to you SHJordan, check email sorry about this.

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