NODE SKIPPING PART 2(ANSWERED)/Dungeon bot not working I read the node skipping advice you guys gave to someone else I have the most updated bot also I checked the node list in bot options it does not have any MoP nodes to check or uncheck that seems to be my problem I have used 15 profiles by separate entities they can not all be broken. My dungeon bot queues up but does not do anything after it accepts it. I also read previous tips to fix the problem none of which work I have most updated bot once again. Thanks Jakethedog
Yes mining is 520 and herb is 509 it skips right over Ghost Iron and if i Disable Green Tea Leaf the only MoP node I see in my Node list in BOT settings it will just fly around all day do nothing. I even tried using several Ghost Iron profiles specifically. Im really bummed. The only bots I want to use Dungeon and Gatherbuddy2 are not working for me.
I've seen similar behavior - When using GatherBuddy2, only around 50-75% of nodes are being looted. The others are being skipped.
I appologize to TONY and anyone who has viewed this thread looking for an answer. The answer to the Node problem is that my mining pick gave me +10 so i was only at 490 not 500 soon as you reach the skill to mine any node it will appear in the bot settings same with herb for those who have herb enchants or things of that nature.
I still had this problem with a full skilled miner and herbalist. So without any real knowledge of how profiles are made I deleted all the blackspots and it started picking up all the nodes again.