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  • CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by wulf, Aug 28, 2012.

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    1. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      arcane mages is the "new" solution :) (no i couldn't test, but from latest reports, they perform much better atm)
    2. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      it was me, and yes this is intended!!!
    3. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Update your CLU and try again, this was a general issue with this method, should work now :)
    4. HoneyBrew

      HoneyBrew New Member

      Oct 24, 2011
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      Compiler Error: f:\Honorbuddy 2.5.6561.515\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Buff.cs(600,17) : error CS1660: Cannot convert anonymous method to type 'Styx.TreeSharp.Composite' because it is not a delegate type
      Compiler Error: f:\Honorbuddy 2.5.6561.515\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Buff.cs(640,21) : error CS0126: An object of a type convertible to 'bool' is required
      Compiler Error: f:\Honorbuddy 2.5.6561.515\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Buff.cs(640,21) : error CS1662: Cannot convert anonymous method to delegate type 'Styx.TreeSharp.CanRunDecoratorDelegate' because some of the return types in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type

      im not sure what this means... can anyone help?
    5. Silent

      Silent New Member

      Aug 16, 2010
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      Compiler Error: c:\Users\***\***\***\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Buff.cs(600,17) : error CS1660: Cannot convert anonymous method to type 'Styx.TreeSharp.Composite' because it is not a delegate type
      Compiler Error: c:\Users\***\***\***\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Buff.cs(640,21) : error CS0126: An object of a type convertible to 'bool' is required
      Compiler Error: c:\Users\***\***\***\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Buff.cs(640,21) : error CS1662: Cannot convert anonymous method to delegate type

      is what i get now, wont show up in the list of cc's
    6. Silent

      Silent New Member

      Aug 16, 2010
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      Gone back to previous revision till this is fixed.
    7. thunstad

      thunstad New Member

      Nov 16, 2012
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      Getting same error and CLU doesnt show up on the list of CC`s
    8. blacka_bro

      blacka_bro New Member

      Apr 20, 2012
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      same here and also doesnt show up
    9. vibrator

      vibrator New Member

      Nov 10, 2011
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      PVE is about the frost mage now I'm gonna do some research and testing with CLU on Frost Mage when servers come back up to get you info on how to tweak it.
      While Arcane may sim at high numbers, the ability to do almost 0 movement in an encounter is near impossible in this tier. Patchwork fight where you can drop RoP and just nuke non-stop yes they are gonna shine but once movement and mechanics get involved its gonna drop drastically

      Edit: Still think Fire should be fixed anyway the few small issues like Alter Time usage since this is going to be something that will be used across all 3 specs fire arcane frost it should be optimized for proper use.
      1. Fire should use alter time for Hot Streak proc with or wth out PoM talent (I.E. Hot Streak proc>Presence of Mind>Alter Time >Pyroblast >Pyroblast >Alter Time >Pyroblast >Pyroblast basically you double your pyro's because you get PoM buff back along with Hot Streak back if not using PoM talent then it should use it to launch 2 pyroblasts from Hot streak proc-----< Hot Streak Proc>Alter Time> cast Pyroblast>cast Alter Time> cast Pyroblast)
      2.Frost it should use Alter Time with 1. Icey veins to increase its duration which would simply be use it once and let it drop after its duration wears off or 2. When you have 2 Fingers of Frost Procs and a Brain Freeze I.E. (@ Fingers of Frost procs and a Brainfreeze proc >cast Alter Time >cast 1 Fingers of Frost >cast Brain Freeze> Cast Fingers of Frost {this order is used because Brain Freeze can Proc another Fingers of Frost which would waste a Proc because you can only have 2 Fingers of Frost charges active}>cast Alter Time repeat previous rotation.
      3. Arcane should be used during Arcane Power to increase the length of the Arcane Power CD by 6 seconds.
      1. Fire Currently correct.
      1.1.a) Keep your mage bomb up
      1.1.b) Keep Pyroblast dot up (yes, that means if you go 18 seconds without a crit, you hard cast Pyroblast for the dot)
      1.1.c) Pyroblast when you have the insta-cast buff.
      1.1.d) Queue Fireball into Fireball until you get a "Heating Up" proc. DO NOT CANCEL YOUR FIREBALL WHEN THIS PROCS. Instead, spam queue Inferno Blast to force the "Pyroblast" buff. Heating up is a buff gained on the mage.

      2. Frost I need to test when servers come up but this is the rotation it should follow i will note 1 thing that i know prevoiusly isnt working.
      The rotation of a Frost Mage consists in the following priority list.
      1.Depending on your choice of Tier 5 talent:◦apply Nether Tempest and always refresh it right before the last tick;
      ◦apply Living Bomb and refresh it right before or right after the last tick (the expiring Living Bomb will explode in both cases);
      ◦cast Frost Bomb on cooldown. (Living Bomb has the chance to proc Brain Freeze on every tick so does Nether Tempest, Frost Bomb will grant 1 Charge after it detonates making it the least desired bomb unless more than 5 mobs/adds)

      2.Cast Frozen Orb on cooldown. Will generate Fingers of Frost extremely fast granting 1 charge everytime it hits a new target.
      3.Cast Frostbolt until the debuff it applies reaches 3 stacks.
      4.Cast Freeze from your Water Elemental every time it is available.◦This will give you 1 charge of Fingers of Frost (2 if it hits more than 1 enemy). <--this is not working
      properly it only uses the pet freeze if you have AoE turned on when this is not an AoE but a way to Proc Fingers of Frost. It should be used on Cool Down like Frozen Orb.
      5.Cast Frostfire Bolt as soon as Brain Freeze procs.
      6.Cast Ice Lance when you have charges of Fingers of Frost.
      7.Cast Frostbolt as a filler spell.
      Brainfreeze and Fingers of Frost is a buff gained by the mage.

      3. Arcane have not tested not used at all simply a list of compiled rotaion info for you Storm.
      3.1Depending on your choice of Tier 5 talent:◦apply Nether Tempest and always refresh it right before the last tick;
      ◦apply Living Bomb and refresh it right before or right after the last tick (the expiring Living Bomb will explode in both cases);
      ◦cast Frost Bomb on cooldown.
      3.2Cast Arcane Missiles when it procs.
      3.3Cast Arcane Barrage when you have between 4 and 6 stacks of Arcane Charge.
      3.4Cast Arcane Blast to build up stacks of Arcane Charge.

      The idea is to always stay close to 100% mana, without ever reaching 100% mana.

      Managing your procs of Arcane Missiles is not as straightforward as we make it to be here. Arcane Missiles has two charges, so if it procs and you do not use it, it can proc again and you will be able to use it twice in a row. This is important to take into account because it means that you are not forced to cast Arcane Missiles as soon as it procs.

      Arcane Missiles' damage is increased by your number of Arcane Charges (+22% per stack). This means that, while you are building up charges with Arcane Blast, you should delay casting Arcane Missiles for as long as possible, so that it benefits from the increased damage provided by the charges. So you will want to cast Arcane Missiles when you are about to use Arcane Barrage to drop your charges or when you have 2 procs of Arcane Missiles, so that the next proc does not go to waste.
      3.5 T6 talent Rune of Power : If you chose Rune of Power as your Tier 6 talent, then things are different. To recover mana, simply modify your rotation to cast Arcane Barrage as often as possible, until you reach close to 100% mana (note that, without stacks of Arcane Charge, Arcane Barrage deals more damage than Arcane Blast). I'll do some testing on the Frost mage as soon as my server comes back up and make another post with the results and a log. along with my talent choices.
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
    10. Rusty_Trombone

      Rusty_Trombone Member

      Oct 30, 2011
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      how can i switch to previous version?

      Edit: Found it, ignore this
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
    11. Refrakt

      Refrakt New Member

      Dec 18, 2011
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      do u guys think manually playing a rouge will give u higher dps? u got to move and focus on your rotation.

      while using clu, u only need to move, clu will handle your rotation. u are not so distracted.
    12. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      latest issue with CLU is fixed ... was my bad
    13. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      in real (not only patchwork fights) arcane mages out dps frost mages atm
    14. letsgo2u

      letsgo2u New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      hi what talent spec is recommend for pve fury to lvl 80+ ? i have read the first few posts but not the whole thread. thanks
    15. froggystyle

      froggystyle New Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      is there something special i have to to get CLU to attack the lil mini boss for sha of fear? attached log of all 4 encounters as Combat ranked top 50 on first 3 .. 155 on fear but clu wouldnt attack the guys when you get carried away

      Attached Files:

    16. User0828

      User0828 New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      was there going to be an update today?
    17. Gwenstefanii

      Gwenstefanii New Member

      Nov 5, 2012
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      From what I can see after using the CLU Affliction Warlock profile for a day or two was this:

      1. It casts haunt whenever possible. In the real rotation, haunt is only used after 2 things:
      1.a) The warlock has max soul shards, if using the glyph of soul shards, this would = 4.
      1.b) After a damage increasing proc, such as trinkets/cooldowns. It should then attempt to keep Haunt up for the full duration of said damage increasing proc.

      2. If a proc occurs from a trinket it should attempt re-cast any of the current dots that are below 50% of their duration, as reapplying these dots would apply them with the proc.

      3. It should cast Terrorfiend/Doomguard when the boss reaches 20% hp.

      4. I guess I'd need to show a log for this, but the bot tends to have a delay after some casts, sometimes for upwards of 3~ seconds, obviously resulting in rather large DPS drops.
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
    18. Clubwar

      Clubwar Member

      May 3, 2012
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      If anybody can change Arcane mage rotation for this, i give a coffe for her ^^

      3. Basic Gameplay

      0. Pre-combat buffs ? Arcane Brilliance and Mage Armor (Mastery)
      1. Mage Bomb ? refresh Nether Tempest or Living Bomb if there is under 1 second left on the duration or cast Frost Bomb if it?s off cooldown
      2. Arcane Power ? cast when off cooldown
      3. Arcane Blast ? generate charges
      - if you are under 4 charges and have 2 Missiles procs, cast Missiles *once and then continue to build up to 5 Charges with Blast, after which you use any remaining Missiles
      - if you reach 4 Charges with less than 2 Missiles procs, cast one more Blast and then Missiles
      4. Arcane Barrage ? use when you reach six Charges and have no more Missiles procs
      - use at 5 Charges if there are no Missiles procs and you are under 90% mana

      3.2 Optimal DPS Cycle using Rune of Power

      Rune of Power
      Nether Tempest
      Blast x 6
      Nether Tempest
      Activate Macro (Power, use trinkets, profession use abilities, mana gem, alter time, Missiles)
      Missiles Again
      Blast x 1
      (Alter Time reactivates)
      Missiles x 2
      Nether Tempest
      Blast until you get Missiles (max 4 Blasts)
      Nether Tempest
      1-2 more Blasts as long as your mana doesn't go under 80-85%
      Missiles if you got any
    19. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      1. Haunt uptime should be (in every case) around 60-100%, with your suggestion it would / could drop below 50%, so no!
      2. Dots are updated in realtime, no need to recast them, if the procc is up, dots are updated for the next tick, if procc fades, dots are updated (update=wow calcs the new damage values), so no need to recast them, no dps gain.
      3. this is correct and i will change it
      4. have to test this ... never had this issue, but tested last time... weeks ago
    20. Rusty_Trombone

      Rusty_Trombone Member

      Oct 30, 2011
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      You are wrong on point 1 and 2.

      1. Haunt should be cast like Gwenstefanii said. There is no "should" in up time. You cast it to avoid over capping shards and on procs
      2. This is really wrong. Dots do NOT adapt themselves to new stat values. This applies only to pets. You MUST recast the dots especially when into the Pandemic window. If you do not implent it that way, your affli CC will do much less damage.
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