Hey Everyone, So, yea... I'm a n00blet and pose this general question for some advice. I'm trying to bot a Blood Elf Priest. Currently running: HB Profile: Blood Elf 1-14 by dkels (Grind Bot) Secondary Profile: Blood Elf Questing 1-20 by Nuok (Questing - Beta) CC: Kryptor's Priest CC Plug-Ins: AutoEquip, eTrain, eRefreshment, WatchDog Has anyone used a setup like this before for the same type of toon? Or, perhaps my question should be: is this a recommended setup for a Blood Elf Priest? Am I missing anything? I just get the sense that grinding is taking way too long... It took nearly 7 hours just to go from 11-13 using the Grind Profile. No major errors that I've detected... The Questing profile doesn't work for me. The toon will walk for a bit, then stop and not do anything. I just pegged as Questing being the least recommended way to level a toon. I've read through the forums, tried different things... I'm just trying to make sure I'm doing things right and that 7 hours for two levels is "normal" -- at least for a Blood Elf Priest? Thanks for reading! -M
Does it seem to be leaving alot of mobs alive as it goes from one hotspot to the next? I noticed when I was grinding it did that so I just increased my pull distance. I was thinking about posting about that. Whether is it better to increase the pull range or to add more hotspots to the profile.
As long as it normally takes that long, than I'm cool w/ it. To be honest, I hadn't payed much attention... But, I've been at the Dead Scar since lvl 9... I'm now 13... still at Dead Scar.
It shouldn't take that long, as it takes people 8 days /played time to get to 80. Priests are a horrible class to bot imho.
That seems slow (although priests are the slowest, and I usually measure by my locks). I would watch it personally and see what's causing it to be slow. Are the mobs too far apart for it to be efficient? Is it just slow at killing? Is it casting incorrectly?
I'd like to see that. The fastest CC/Profile combinations AT MOST give ~200k xp/hour once you hit 70 and get to Northrend. Then it takes 1.5 mil xp to level each level from 70-80. So that's 70 hours -- 3 days (at least) just in those 10 levels. That being said, I'm leveling shaman right now - arguably one of the fastest levelers, and I was at 7 days 17 hours /played when I hit 60. So, on a side note .. Yeah, 7 hours for 1 level at that low level is not very good, however most of that time you didn't have a pet. That's when hunters are the worst. So now that you've got your pet and will start getting some talent points invested, things should pick up from there.