Background note; This is a character that I transfered from another account. It was a Scroll of Resurrection character so it started at level 80. The only thing I did was give it heirlooms and do the Hyjal quests to open the portal. I manually did the quests to open the portal to Hyjal. Once I got to Hyjal, I loaded up the profile, messed with the settings and started it. It started up and went to a NPC which did not currently have any quests.. But it keeps trying to pick up the quest. The NPC is "Jadi Falaryn." Any help would be much appreciated. I'm sure it's something stupid.. From what I can see, this is all it says; [Profile Message]: Compiling Nordrassil Quests [Profile Message]: Compiling The Circle of Cinders Quests [Profile Message]: Compiling Wolf's Run Quests
go to stormwind, and try running it from there, as all those profile start in stormwind, see if that makes any diffrence.
I just hearthed back to Stormwind and started it again. It waited a minute gave me the same; [Profile Message]: Compiling Nordrassil Quests [Profile Message]: Compiling The Circle of Cinders Quests [Profile Message]: Compiling Wolf's Run Quests Now it's just flying North. Just flew over Ironforge.. Not sure where it's headed. Now flying over Undercity. Still headed North. Now in northern Western Plaguelands having seizures over Hearthglen. It's trying to keep flying North but it's hit a barrier and just keeps trying. It's also probably note-worthy to note that I've tried reinstalling HB. I've disabled all plugins, changed mounts, changed settings, ran as admin and also restarted my computer. Latest log for this; ^
ok well its trying to fly to this quest. The Voice of Goldrinn - Quest - World of Warcraft maybe go pick it up manually?
[06:58:41.050 D] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(25234)) && (IsQuestCompleted(25234)))' @ line 843 do you have this quest in your log? if so, complete it and press start In the Rear With the Gear - Quest - World of Warcraft
EDIT: Once I caught up to the questline and completed the quest that it kept trying to pick up, it started working again. So far it's running smooth, no issues for about an hour now. Ty for your help guys!
Great. Now I start up the next kick profile; [Fly][N - Quest] Deepholm 82-84 [Kick] and it does the same thing. It keeps trying to go to an NPC and pick up a quest wayyy to far into the quest chains. This is ridiculous. >_< It did about 2 quests out in the middle of nowhere, there it started spamming; Moving to Type: QuestPickUp If you have to quest to a certain point in all your profiles before you turn it on, you should make a note of it.
Well, leveled to 83 manually, started [Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick] and it won't even pick up the Hero Board quest.
I'm not re-posting this whole thing. I figured out the NPC it's trying to run to is Salhet in Uldum. I'm not sure why, but it's skipping half the quests when I start it. I manually did the quests to open the portal, and for some reason it uses my ground mount and runs to Salhet and just keeps trying to pick up a quest. This is what it's done for every Kicks profile I've tried. Anyone know why? It feels like it should be an easy fix.