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  • Is it really that hard to implement the following into BG Buddy??

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by TheHaggis, Dec 6, 2012.

    1. TheHaggis

      TheHaggis New Member

      Dec 3, 2012
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      I was thinking about it today, I've been trying to do something along these lines with BG Buddy's profiles within the bot its self for each BG but it doesn't seem possible as the behaviours are set within the bot its self and not its contained profiles for hotspots, blackspots etc.

      I was thinking the following which I believe could be simple to implement and make the bot way less obvious.

      For each BG there should be an option within the Bot Settings where you can choose your behaviours for the BG.

      Say for example its AV weekend so I am going to queue solely for AV, I would have an option in the Bot Settings where I can set my character to Defend 'X' Tower, Attack 'X' Tower or run straight to boss and wait until a tank pulls and there are >15 people within radius and nuke boss.

      You could do virtually the same for every BG in existence. If you wanted to queue for randoms you would preset behaviours for each BG which would take 5-10 mins of selecting for your character, so when you queue for random BGs, the BG it gets it automatically reverts to your behaviours.

      You could set Arathi Basin to defend/attack BS the whole game depending on if you have the base or not, set it to attack BS/Farm/LM depending which one is under the enemies control and if all 3 are controlled by your faction you defend the closest one.

      These type of actions could be set for every BG and customised to make your playstyle more player like instead of looking bot like where everyone has the same goals because we cant change them

      Does anyone else feel the same?
    2. coldless

      coldless New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      I do... I was always thinking about just randomizing some hotspots around the area the bots use.
      I levelled my first bot from 85-90 with just bgs and it was ridiculous!

      there were like 25 bots on the EXACT SAME SPOT running the EXACT SAME WAY and then "randomly" met around 25 hordes running on the EXACT SAME SPOT the EXACT SAME WAY .......
      guess that was the most funniest thing ever seen in wow - im pretty sure there was noone reporting the bots because who even gets to click me when there is such a messy battle and who is
      wasting time to report 50 bots in a single bg - well doesn't matter: didnt get banned so far
    3. ilmdbii

      ilmdbii New Member

      Oct 15, 2012
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      and even if they did report the entire bot herd, who would fill their precious battlegrounds? queue times would go through the roof, blizzards income would plummet. it's a bad deal all around for them to ban BG botting.

      i know they will still ban for botting, but does anyone else find it funny that there's never been another massive ban wave since the one on 5/20/2008? sure there have been some mini-waves for things like archaeology botting, but i don't think they can afford another massive ban wave. for every one person who quits over it, how many more subscriptions are paid by botters?

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