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  • [Bot] (Beta) DungeonBuddy - A Dungeon bot.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by highvoltz, Jul 6, 2012.

    1. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Hey fellow DungieBuddies...

      Can anyone confirm for me that their bots are running out of fire in cata instances?

      Not seeing them get out of the green stuff, geysers, ground pound, etc.

      Now my team is a little higher level than they were weeks ago...so my heals is healing through it - but still causes too many wipes.

      Last edited: Dec 3, 2012
    2. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I have some more testing to do but... After updating all my installs and running my 5 man team I'm left with the feeling that the movement issues are still present - I'm attempting cataclysm only atm.

      .507 was the last release that had working movement in the cataclysm dungeons (for me).

      edit: stated earlier party invites and que/role issues - cleared caches, redid all settings. Party groups, accepts and que when it popped! Nice!!!

      Added: Unfortunately toons wont buy stated food/drink items but i think this is a well known bug at the moment.

      Currently there are no previous releases that work with the recent wow patch so there is nothing to roll back to if one wants to just for dungeonbuddy only.


      Added: throne of tides- lady naz: fails to move on geyser. whole dungeon, same thing. Stands in fire, won't move to avoid incoming damage. Also glitch on the elevator, tank runs back and forth repeatedly. Tank attempted to mount at one point.

      Black rock - zonn oz: fricken skull c r ack e r. Chains of woe go down nicely...but same doodoo different release. Group doesn't move away.

      Many different crs tested here, results all the same.

      Until some kind of update gets posted I think I'm done. I'd be happy to help test this out down the line if someone wants to send me something new.
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
    3. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      Nothing much has changed with the avoidance system in awhile (except for yesterday but that change isn't live) so I have no idea what changed since .507 that cause it to not work for you.
      If you're not using Singular then I recommend trying it to see if it changes anything. Some combat routines take too much time executing their logic when given their time slice and thus can prevent Dungeonbuddy or any other botbase from performing critical tasks such as moving out of fire.

      The mounting issue is a HB problem which I reported and the part where tank runs back and forth repeatedly i have experienced myself since last HB beta release and from what I can tell it's a new bug in HB.
      Buying stuff from vendor is also a HB bug. I understand your frustration but believe me, its nothing compared to the frustration I have atm.
    4. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      All normal mop dungeons have been scripted but all except 2 (Mogu'shan Palace and Stormtout Brewery) cannot be botted because of major mesh issues.

      For the heroic dungeons, Scholomance is mostly done, has some mesh issues. All bosses in Gate of the Setting Sun except for 3rd boss has been scripted and killed. no mesh issues found. Scarlet Halls has been scripted but haven't manged to kill 2nd boss (armsmaster harlen) yet on heroic, no mesh issues found.. Scarlet Monastery has been has been scripted but has one major mesh issue. Only 1st boss in Siege of Niuzao Temple has been scripted and killed because a major mesh issue at 2nd boss encounter has prevented any further progression. I keep getting this dungeon on Random Heroic.. grrr.
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
    5. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      I have a theory of why the party members field is greyed out. Could you try re installing .net4 and letting me know if that changes anything? Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer) from Official Microsoft Download Center
    6. Untoten85

      Untoten85 New Member

      Jun 16, 2012
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      Try to reinstall under Win7 x64. But under Win XP SP3 it works.
      And when you edit the configfile manually, the Leader invites the Toons.

      OOOOOOOkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, reinstalled with Link from above and it works^^ ty@highvoltz
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
    7. Itsonono

      Itsonono Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      I've been leveling up a little character. Here are the dungeons I have done (since I started keeping track).

      Hellfire Ramparts - Caster DPS Works
      Underbog - Caster DPS Works
      Blood Furnace - Caster DPS Works
      Mana-Tombs - Caster DPS Works
      Auchenai Crypts - Caster DPS Works
      The Botanica - Caster DPS Works
      Utgarde Keep - Caster DPS Works
      Shadow Labyrinth - Caster DPS Works
      Ahn Kahet - Caster DPS Works
      Azjol Nerub - Caster DPS Works
      Drak Theron Keep - Heals/ Caster DPS Works
      Violet Hold - Heals/Caster DPS Works
      Halls of Stone - Heals/Caster DPS works
      Gundrak - Heals/Caster DPS Works
      Utgarde Pinnacle - Heals Works

    8. tobiasbsell2

      tobiasbsell2 New Member

      Nov 2, 2012
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      i have 5 bots. One of them is the leader and the other the follower. In the settings from the leader i cant write the follower names into the box its write procetet.

      PLS help me.
    9. jossa90

      jossa90 Member

      Sep 18, 2011
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      I can't get that link to work.
      "Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

      Seems like i'd have to contact an administrator. heh
    10. Untoten85

      Untoten85 New Member

      Jun 16, 2012
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      3 Post above on the same site. Try it. It helped me!
    11. jossa90

      jossa90 Member

      Sep 18, 2011
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      how can I turn off sell items?
      It just solg every item in my bag...
      even if it were blue :S
      "Maximum vendor item quality"
    12. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      First off - no, highvoltz I wouldn't want to be you :)

      I am using singular solely through all 5 bots because I don't trust anything else with this. framelock = false. targeting = disabled. movement = tried auto, all, and class only.

      OK - said I gave up, but just can't let it go... discovered something today tho.

      Blackrock Caverns

      Team wasn't moving out of the fire, started helping out. Got to Karsh Steelbender. Tank wasn't "dipping" him to drop the 99% damage reduce buff. Two things happened. 2 dps died. I opened class config on the tank and movement was set to NONE.

      I NEVER set my movement in singular config to NONE. While the fight was going on, I changed it back to ALL. No change, the tank wouldn't move him...but then, 2 dps died and the tank began moving. My 5 man dropped down to 3 and finished the fight.

      Also finished the rest of the dungeon without problem.

      Is it possible movement is getting changed during the encounters? Is this by design? Also, I thought it was interesting that my team suddenly started functioning when they dropped to 3 man. Is it possible that 5man bot has issues where 3 doesn't?

      My assumption is that each bot is running indepentant of each other barring the leader...but when they don't move out of the fire - ALL of them fail to move. I think that is really weird...
    13. tobiasbsell2

      tobiasbsell2 New Member

      Nov 2, 2012
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      oh thx i dont saw it ;)

      I have a problem with some innis. The Bots stay in voids and die. Is that a bug or need i a plugin?

      Summary: stay in voids and die
      Class: Paladin and Drood
      CustomClass: Singular
      Role: Heal, Tank and DPS
      Queue Type: Random Queue
      Party Mode: On
      Dungeon: Throne of the Tides

      Summary: the grp die at the first boss. they kill the chain but dont move awaya from boss - > one hit
      Class: Paladin and Drood
      CustomClass: Singular
      Role: Heal, Tank and DPS
      Queue Type: Random Queue
      Party Mode: On
      Dungeon: Blackrock Depths
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
    14. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Tobias, this is the same issue i have been trying to troubleshoot for weeks.

      Try running your bots again, while the fight is going on check your class config and see if movement gets switched to "none" when they are supposed to move (voids, skull *****, geyser, etc).

      (lol how do i fix this "profanity"filter...)

      Trying to confirm something I experienced yesterday. If you see it turn movement to "none" I think we need to post the bug reports.
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
    15. tobiasbsell2

      tobiasbsell2 New Member

      Nov 2, 2012
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      allow movement was on auto in the fight. And all dead in blackrock depths. i changed it to all and the same problem -.- they dont move
    16. Mydruid

      Mydruid New Member

      Dec 13, 2010
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      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace Heroic.cs(177,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'MissileInfo' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace Heroic.cs(196,33) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'Styx.TreeSharp.Action.Action(Styx.TreeSharp.ActionDelegate)' has some invalid arguments
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace Heroic.cs(196,44) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'lambda expression' to 'Styx.TreeSharp.ActionDelegate'
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace Heroic.cs(193,29) : error CS1660: Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'Styx.TreeSharp.Composite' because it is not a delegate type
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace Heroic.cs(197,25) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'Bots.DungeonBuddy.Helpers.ScriptHelpers.CreateRunAwayFromBad(Styx.TreeSharp.CanRunDecoratorDelegate, float, params uint[])' has some invalid arguments
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace Heroic.cs(197,60) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'lambda expression' to 'Styx.TreeSharp.CanRunDecoratorDelegate'
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace Heroic.cs(197,86) : error CS1503: Argument 3: cannot convert from 'lambda expression' to 'uint[]'
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace Heroic.cs(180,17) : error CS1660: Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'Styx.TreeSharp.Composite' because it is not a delegate type
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace Heroic.cs(182,44) : error CS0117: 'Bots.DungeonBuddy.Helpers.ScriptHelpers' does not contain a definition for 'GetMissiles'
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace.cs(177,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'MissileInfo' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace.cs(196,33) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'Styx.TreeSharp.Action.Action(Styx.TreeSharp.ActionDelegate)' has some invalid arguments
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace.cs(196,44) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'lambda expression' to 'Styx.TreeSharp.ActionDelegate'
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace.cs(193,29) : error CS1660: Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'Styx.TreeSharp.Composite' because it is not a delegate type
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace.cs(197,25) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'Bots.DungeonBuddy.Helpers.ScriptHelpers.CreateRunAwayFromBad(Styx.TreeSharp.CanRunDecoratorDelegate, float, params uint[])' has some invalid arguments
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace.cs(197,60) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'lambda expression' to 'Styx.TreeSharp.CanRunDecoratorDelegate'
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace.cs(197,86) : error CS1503: Argument 3: cannot convert from 'lambda expression' to 'uint[]'
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace.cs(180,17) : error CS1660: Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'Styx.TreeSharp.Composite' because it is not a delegate type
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Mogu'shan Palace.cs(182,44) : error CS0117: 'Bots.DungeonBuddy.Helpers.ScriptHelpers' does not contain a definition for 'GetMissiles'
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Scarlet Monastery Heroic.cs(150,28) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'MissileInfo' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
      Compiler Error: e:\Botting\Honorbuddy - Mydruid\Dungeon Scripts\Mists of Pandaria\Dungeons\Scarlet Monastery Heroic.cs(151,41) : error CS0117: 'Bots.DungeonBuddy.Helpers.ScriptHelpers' does not contain a definition for 'GetMissiles'
      I get this shit everytime. Now I dunno if it has anything to do with it but my bot just stands at entrance and doesnt move.

      Will try with a fresh install.
    17. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
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      It doesn't go MOP at the moment Mydruid

      Highvoltz, or somebody, can you upload your mesh file so I can download. I currently can't use DB because it just standing loading tiles and downloading mesh for each dungeon and the group kick me for being afk.
    18. brunobrito

      brunobrito New Member

      Feb 9, 2012
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      Im running dungeonbuddy in blackrock caverns for gold (always loot on) and it dont loot bosses sometimes. I searched in foruns about it and the only post i found someone said to enable autoequip , i did and still missing loots.
    19. azmodanbr

      azmodanbr New Member

      Jul 26, 2012
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    20. tobiasbsell2

      tobiasbsell2 New Member

      Nov 2, 2012
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