So i came acrros a good deal for an 85 Warrior that had very good cata gear (for later Xmog) and i jumped on it. But im curious, can i change the email with out worrying? I might just be paranoid but idk. I feel they can see where my E Mail IP is or something and see its not Legit. here is my concern. I put some money into the acct now ,buying it, and soon im gonna race change. But what id like is to put an authenticator on it. not a mobile one, but an old key-chain one i still have. But i need to send a confirmations email. and i cant use the old email the account was under. So if i Make a new one under the accounts guys name making it all look legit, would it work? or is it too much of a risk? I know this might not be a good place to post but i know there are people that will reply quickly and might have been in my shoes at one point.
Yeah, not necessarily where you need to post this, but change the email. Blizzard cares not nor do they look at ips until an account compromise was reported.
All 7 of my accounts where either purchased from playerauctions, or are SOR accounts. I've even had people in Potugal power level some of them, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Change whatever you need to.
Does buying things, like server xfers, race changes anything of the like with MY paypal account look bad at all. using my own card for something under the name of the original accounts name?
I feel like they can flag your paypal account if it was used to pay for previously banned accounts, but that is just my opinion. Credit card would be a better bet I think, but they could technically do the same thing and flag your cc. Good Luck