so, when i woke up i checked my phone and saw i had an email from blizz and i read it and it said that the account was banned for exploitation and abuse of the economy. it was a new account and it was only level 41. i never posted a single auction or anything. all i did was quest bot over night for about 5-8 hours a night. i've quest botted more on my main account and used GB as well for a little bit, yet it's completely fine. what do you guys think happened? did i get banned for quest botting or was it a mistake or something? should i appeal the ban? it's just a fresh account i had sitting around so im not too bothered either way
over night stuck for too long reported by x amount of player = automated ban. The mesh is in need of a major update. You have to babysit when questing,IMO.
did you trade gold amongst your toon? I got banned trading gold between my own accounts. But you live and you learn.
just open a ticket, you'll get it back. dont have to say anything except "review this ban, must be a mistake!" and dont bot anything for 8 hours without even a 30 sec break. humans dont do this, and its very easy to automatically detect - which blizz does.
haven't traded gold or anything to or from that account. must of gotten reported like you guys said. wouldn't the ban reason be hacking or something? why is it exploitation or abuse of economy? wouldnt i need to list a bunch of auctions or something not jus quest bot? i'll appeal when i get home in a few hours. thanks for the replies guys.