Imagine that I use gatherbuddy.....But I don't sell anything on the AH..... How can you get banned for this? What techniques do GM's use to catch you? Thanks
Is that the only way to get caught? Because im watching my gatherbuddy now, and you are only on the ground for about 15 seconds while you are mining or gathering herbs so how would someone know it was a bot? Sorry for all the questions. It's very sad other botters report each other, very very sad
same i only COD....ive been banned once for ussing ah but i appealed now im cod only for selling and the people on my server rlly dont care almost everyone bots
To minimize risk, use personal profiles. Other botters tend to get butthurt when their sharing spot. It's sad, but alot of users aint exactly kind to their fellow buddies.
Thanks for the advice guys I appreciate it. I am not sure how to sell what I have gathered as I'm a noob with using the AH and would probably put 200 auctions up which would get me banned
also i was wondering if GM's have a log of who has accessed nodes? So if they see a list and my char has gathered a LOT of nodes then does it stand out?
Plenty of farmers access nodes just as much as botters do. Just because you farm a lot doesn't mean you're a botter. As a precaution though, as was stated, I ONLY use COD. It looks amazingly obvious from say your underminejournal profile if you're a farmer and this could be used against you. If you do have to bot, for the love of God don't list them from your botting char. Makes it unbelievably easy for pissed off players you're undercutting to whisper you at random times and then report you. Diverse as much as you can.
If you only person who use bot they can see that you are bot in many ways. Weekly gathered nodes, ahcivament vs played time, gear vs played time, only shity gear, how you level your character, xyz moovment in 1 month, click mooving... You cant spend 1 month in game and you dont have any achivment or HC gear and lot of gathered nodes? Is that right? Or any other examples.... But you are not the only one You dont have 1% botters who are botting for a years whit clean account. For all of us is just matter of time When they look at us, they just know.
sometimes your buddy will swoop down to harvest an herb that blizz tastefully placed at the base of a tree and get confused. your buddy will know there is an herb there but will see no path to get within harvesting distance. your buddy will then start swooping in tight circles landing and jumping around in the air like a ***** fiend until he reaches a spot where he is within reach of the node. another instance is when the node is under the eaves of a low building. your buddy will harvest then try to mount that big ass drake you are so proud of [because who really unchecks 'use random mount'] and gets stuck under the edge of the roof of the building. in result just sits there on his mount looking like a stuck bot, for hours and hours because who doesnt run a relogger for every time your bot shuts down because of the option to shut down wow if you get stuck. lets say your buddy is running tight circles in the Heartland and every time you get near a node another bot is there harvesting. thats like seeing a dollar bill on the ground but the same jerk grabs it every time you get close. taking money out of your pocket gets you riled up cause really its a free market and the less competition the better so a few reports here and there helps your bottom line. blizz tracks every detail on the game. and other websites track stats on the game. are you familiar with blizz keeps the same records for everything. so lets explore a hypothesis. i'm a dev and i'm playing around in the database. i write a small amout of code that will search the database with these parameters: more than X amount of nodes harvested, less than 1000 achievement points, less than 30 days played, lvl 85+. my search results come back with a list of new players leveled to pandaria, farming an above average amount of nodes. lets refine the search with: time spent in W,X,Y, and Z zones. now we have a list of chars on accounts started 35 days ago with 30 days played. they have the requisite 450 achievement points from leveling to pandaria. harvesting an above average amount of nodes. been level 85-89 for 4 weeks with 85% of their playtime in one zone. now you are on the list, did i mention the list? get on the list=flag, get reported=flag, report someone=flag, send 1000 stacks of herbs=flag, trade someone 20k+, yup, you guessed it, flag. blizz has computers bigger than a volkswagon bus, blizz has programmers that have degrees in this stuff, they can track whoever they want. did i mention computers? on the other side of the coin, blizz makes money off subs, they dont really want to ban you, they want your money. what blizz does not want is for players to get the idea that botters go unpunished, that is why every so often they ban a few. discourages the honest people and it makes more money for blizz when botters buy more accounts. just a few thoughts
im running multiple toons, multiple accounts, many on the's top seller list and by personal experience, id rather you undercut by a copper than a gold. keeps the prices higher, longer and its better all around for sellers. and whose side are you on, selling or buying? i use multiple addons for the ah, but the biggest is TSM. set it and forget it. but be prepared to put the work in, its not an addon you can use out of the box, and for most players, one you wont use in the first hour of setting it up.
200 auctions won't hurt you, unless you put up 200 of the same 20 stack. That's when people get bent out of shape.
Those are only your guesses, don't claim it being a fact.. If this would be true (plus all the other "guaranteeed flags" you can find on this forum) I would have tons of flags on my acc.. yet no ban..
hey dipshit, did you see the part where i mentioned hypothesis? and yeah, everyone gets flagged for something asshat. its the combined flags that get your account under scrutiny. <--didja see me mention ban there? nah, yah didnt, i said scrutiny. to save you the trouble googling hypothesis: hy?poth?e?sis /hīˈp?THəsis/NounA supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. A proposition made as a basis for reasoning, without any assumption of its truth. Synonymssupposition - assumption - conjecture - presumption