Hi Makaronnik, Your problem with the warden is likely doing TOO much DPS...?? Up the assumed Warden Death HP. You have it at 350,000...and looks like you killed him when he had nearly half a million. Change 350,000 to something like 750,000. 350,000 is good for around 100K dps, you have to be putting down nearly twice that if not more. Also your stuck point is that one area which you're character can often venture off into during battle (it shouldn't walk there on it's own). I haven't gotten caught there in quite some time, but perhaps I can write some kind of check if you end up there to find your way out. I'll have to see if it spawns in multiple areas (probably does to make my life difficult) Keep me posted if Rakki causes any more trouble for anyone, was working well for me last I ran.
Ok my skills with installing plugins might not be good, but whenever i try to load the profile i get this error: [14:27:57.174 N] [GilesTrinity] ************************************ [14:27:57.174 N] [GilesTrinity] ENABLED: GilesTrinity version (v0.45) now in action! [14:27:57.174 N] [GilesTrinity] ************************************ [14:27:59.047 N] Current bot set to Order Bot [14:27:59.048 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting BigRed - Tower of the Cursed Level 1 and 2 [14:29:10.359 N] Failed to load profile: Element KeyRunProfile is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<KeyRunProfile questId="1" act1profile="act1_start.xml" act2profile="act2_start.xml" act3profile="act3_start.xml" />) Line 19 Hope you can help me
Did u read 1st page? Required Plugins (Trinity v.44/45 users) Unified Trinity (v.45) KeyRun Plugin v1.4 for Unified Trinity v.45 users
tardofarm, did u install KeyRun.cs correctly (Plugins\KeyRun\KeyRun.cs) ? Is it enabled? Magi, if u have (free) time, can you again backport your Keyrun 1.5 changes info Unified .44/.45 compatible Keyrun?
Please post a log if you would. I'll see about a port over of 1.5 for 44.45 users...serving jury duty right now. Bastards even blocked my connection to this forum. Had to remote connect to my workstation just to post
KeyRun 1.5 does not work with Trinity, only Trinity CE at the moment. You will need to download my custom 1.4 KeyRun version: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/attach...domized-keyrun-v1.4-trinity-v.44-.45.zip.html
Magi could I suggest zipping the keyrun.cs inside a folder called Keyrun. It’s fairly obvious that the syntax of plugins is to be inside a folder but a lot of people still don’t seem to get it. Or not and leave it as a stupid people barrier
Probably not a bad idea. I'm normally not thinking of new botters and just trying to stay on top of things for existing users. I'll do a better job for those new comers if I can.
Is it possible to let the bot loot whatever valuables that are around it before it teleports off? I observed the bot a few times and it didn't pick up large stacks of gold and even one occasion where a legendary dropped.
I think there are some TP issues with Trinity that need to be addressed for this. I've tucked in weight timers before TP'ing off and didn't do squat. I could probably write something into the KeyRun plugin similar to key detection that basically handles the whole teleport on NV5. Currently, all that is done through the profile with a simple TP tag. I was hoping the weight timer might fix it, but apparently not. I'll see what I can do when my schedule opens up. Quite busy at the moment in the real world unfortunately
first time using this profile... it's really good, just having trouble with the charging beasts in the fields of misery. they one hit my character and every time it dies it runs through out the map again... it took 5 deaths and 20mins to finally kill the pack of charging elites. i know it's not the profile but anyone else having the same issue? any tips or plugins that would help in the situation? thanks in advanced
You will need to lower MP. Once dead bot starts searching again. Or get better vitality/life steal/hit/regen gear. I only die to Warden. Which is also not pleasant because bot runs again searching through all the map, even if empty. And hes till looks through all small places. Could there be implemented a flag location, so if you have 5 NV and Warden is found, then if you die bot goes straight to Warden after revive?
i think i solved the problem as monk. since there isn't an option in avoiding those charges, i just equipped the passive cheat death together with divine protection rune from MoE. i dont die in mp7 with dueal wielding weapons with both LoS , LS and sockets, cept from those charging bulls, so i switched down to mp5 with tempest rush build. i die once in a while but it's way faster. EDIT: 2/2 mp7 over an hour and a half.. 1/1 mp5 25mins so far i got a key in all attempts. thanks for the awesome profile
Cool! As for flagging the location of the warden upon death, I actually do that so that if you kill the warden, and then happen to die, it knows where his corpse is when it gets near it, loots, and then TP's out. The previously with trying to walk your character to a map location far away was stucks. It would get stuck trying to walk a far distance (especially in Stonefort). DB has made some strides to improve this, especially in Stonefort/Skycrown so I might be able to attempt this again and see how it works. I'll give it test whirl and see how it fairs.
just now on new db ] Generated path to <3151.074, 4529.824, 100.1> () with 6 hops. ] [KeyRun] ========== KEYWARDEN WITHIN RANGE ============ ] [KeyRun] =+=+=+=+=+= KEYWARDEN VANQUISHED!!! =+=+=+=+=+= [Trinity]Anti-stuck measures exiting current game. ] Loaded profile [A2 - Inferno] Keyhunting - Mine ] [KeyRun] Moving to last known Keywarden Location to ensure item pickup... ] Diablo III Exited, Demonbuddy terminating
Failed to load profile: Path to profile element is not valid; file not found bot wont change acts but if i select it manualy it runs them fine why is this? and it only seem to not load in when it is going to act 1 can go from act 1 to act 2 and so on but wont go back to 1 without failing