I'm trying to move on to more advanced botting than just gathering. I want to streamline my whole process. If I am understanding the PB guide correctly, there are ways to control HBRelog from PB, however I do not know how to write the custom actions. What I'd like to be able to do is create several PB profiles that do these things: Assuming my gatherer is working correctly, and sends all raw mats to my bankalt... 1)Log onto bank alt, get all mail, place in guild bank, trigger a log off when done 2)Start account 2 with scribe, get all herbs, mill -> make inks -> make enchants -> sell to vendor (already have this working), then send all ore from GBANK to JC 3)Switch to JC, get all ore from mail (Or skip the mailling from previous step and just have JC get directly from GBANK), prospect, make rings, etc etc send to enchanter (already working) 4)Switch to enchanter, DE, place in GBANK (already working) as you can see, I have all of these things already working for the most part. What I'm really having a hard time is making it so at the end of each step it triggers the HBRelog profile switch rather than guessing how long stuff would take. TL;DR- How do I make PB trigger HBRelog actions rather than guessing how long it will take and putting those times in as HBRelog profile run durations.
You could use the HBRelog.SkipCurrentTask(string profileName) function. Have a look in the Guide.rtf doc, in the ProfessionBuddy folder