aha ok thnx for the fast reply cant understand how ppl can have success with the CR then?? if its bugged? Its been like this since i got it like 2 weeks ago
Small update : Fixed the lag issues on having lock selector on (with AoE) Tweaked stuff.. Now only waiting on Nomnom's return
Back, pushed the update to dev and will let the testers take it over from me. Release tomorrow afternoon if everythings alright! alxaw, once again, thanks for your assistance ! This Combat Routine isnt and wasnt finished yet. Only through thoroughly testing and logs and user support it can become "finished".
CC is now released! Grab it while it's hot on the SVN. Report any bugs WITH LOG and detail of what should've happen but what really happend instead. I won't reply to anyone without LOG attached to their post. Thanks!
if you dont have impending victory it doesnt use victory rush, not exactly sure if you want a log for that.
Quick update :: The lag with lockselector is now completely gone! I've reworked the combat starting and selecting rotation, the AoE is now sort of cached so it only calls the objectmanger once instead of multiple times (which caused the lag) //Thanks a lot to Ama for this <3 I hope you guys enjoy the new update which is coming tomorrow afternoon
Revision 60 is on the SVN. Please update to this as it's superiour to all previous versions. LockSelector added, full compatibility with Tyrael BotBase. USE THIS (Recommended is 30 TPS with LockSelector enabled! There should be NO lag at all using Tyrael. WhirlWind/Raging Blow Stackcount fixed. Single-Target rotation adjusted. Some other minor changes. Thanks to alxaw's awesome work. Victory Rush/Impending Vic is still bugged.
Thanks guys good stuff! Really appreciate your awesome work nomnomnom! and Alxaw thanks for making this awesome CC even more awesome! Just wondering, I know the previous version Tyrael is underperforming compare to raid bot. With the update which botbase should be giving me the best performance? tyrael or raidbot? Also it says Revision:152 is this the latest version? kinda confused, is there a diff SVN for revision 60?
Tyrael with lockselector on /w 30 ticks is the same as raidbot. The only reason I use tyrael is because I can turn the lockselector on and off when I want, you can't do that with raidbot. And yes 152 is the latest for now
Current issues * = means fixed Too much heroic strike [*] Not using raging blow when needed [*] Victory rush while not having the talent Impending Victory [*] AoE not detecting units fast enough [*] Will update this when I can, and when I've solved the issues. All issues have been solved.
I've managed to get the meat cleaver stacks to work properly on aoe Only victory rush thing left, then nomnom is gonna look over the rotation tomorrow
Could someone explain what Tyrael and lockselector is? I just recently started using this CC and its amazing. Should i be running it with Lazyraider? because thats what i'm doing
i highly request some kind of aoe toggle, sometimes it is just importend to do single dmg instead of aoe
One little thing, it seems like the rotation isnt that great. (it could be a problem of my own) I only seem to do like 55,000 dps on a dummy (5 min length fight as fury with only battleshout) And i'm 490 ilvl so thats way below what it should be. This only happened after the recent changes btw. Thats all, this is a great CC ! Keep up the good work, and i hope that can be fixed.