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  • HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fhlhwow, Aug 17, 2010.

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    1. maximal1981

      maximal1981 New Member

      Nov 21, 2012
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      your answer is wrong for kill between hotspots! you can turn it off, but if you load a profile there is a line which enables it again

      <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" [COLOR="#FF0000"]KillBetweenHotspots="True"[/COLOR] GroundMountFarmingMode="False" UseFlightPaths="False" UseMount="True"
      give it away, or set it "False"
    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Maximal1981,

      Thanks for pointing that out--Lassenc now has another place to check. Of course, the user is free to change the profiles to suit their tastes.

      When the profile was written, Kick obviously felt that was needed to keep toons safe. As we all know, the WoW game world is changes from time to time, and Honorbuddy/CombatRoutines get better at survival as time goes on, and that choice may not be appropriate any more. On the other hand, that setting might be required for the safety level-appropriate (squishie) toons, but annoying for level-inappropriate or more crunchy toons.

      The profiles were designed with particular goals, and offered "as is". You are free to override them as needed, and benefit or suffer the consequences accordingly.

      Last edited: Dec 17, 2012
    3. 23051602

      23051602 New Member

      Mar 5, 2011
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      I would like to suggest that if possible make a profile that is fully AFK. Meaning skipping all quests where you need human interaction in MOP. Just to maximize speed to 90. I myself don't care about achieves or anything since you need to do the dailies afterwards anyway and run instances for gear.
    4. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, '02,

      Kick designed this profile pack with "completionist" as a design goal. There were many reasons for this, but probably one of the most important was to demonstrate the capabilities of the bot--which he did in spades with the help of many Quest Behavior authors.

      If you disagree with the design goal, that is perfectly fine. There are other profile packs out there, written by other people with different design goals. One of those other offerings may suit your desires better than Kick's. You might give Botanist's profile pack (grinding), or Cava's profile pack (questing) a look. Also, there should be many others.

      As far as changing it to maximize speed to level 90... that's not going to ever happen with this profile pack. Kick, as a Bossland employee, has a responsibility to demonstrate the full capabilities of the Honorbuddy product.

      Last edited: Dec 17, 2012
    5. Lexxor

      Lexxor New Member

      Nov 12, 2012
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      Have a another question :D

      Does Kick?s profiles (wich i love) include ALL quests in all the zones or just enough to get you through the lvls? (lets say i want to go back for loremaster)
    6. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Lexxor,

      Kick would have to answer this one, if you find certain areas were skipped. But my understanding is that he tries to do every quest in every hub that is doable. Some may not be doable, due to lack of quest behaviors. Although, I do believe the MoP profile pack is missing the entire Vale of Eternal Blossoms zone, and I'm not sure why.

      How I've handled Loremaster in the past...
      I've snagged every quest profile from every author I could. Usually, I'd start with Kick's profile and run it to completion. Then, I'd go back to other authors that may have written behaviors for specific quests, and just run their profiles in total. Honorbuddy accommodates this well, and skips over quests you've already completed, if the profile writer has done his job well (which most do).

      Even with this, there's going to be some quests you still need to do manually, but it beats the pants off of doing it all by hand.

    7. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I made mesh error reports on the Tents in Eastwind Rest in Kun-lai Summit.

      By the looks of it the problem with toon trying to run through the tents is still a problem.

      And by the looks of it the report has been deleted w/o the problem even been looked at.
    8. tieme

      tieme New Member

      Dec 16, 2012
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      Possible profile bug?

      Hey everyone,

      First post here. I got HB yesterday and have discovered what appears to be a bug. I wasn't 100% sure which thread to post this in, because I'm having a hard time determining what is causing the issue. I figured this was a good place to start. Basically, I was having some issues with being ganked in the Blasted Lands (I'm horde - level 56). I took a break, went back to org, repaired up, etc. When I started the bot again, he could not seem to find his way to wherever he is trying to go. He determines that he needs to pick up the quest "Futile Pride" which seems correct as it is in the Blasted Lands. I've tried from org, and from Silithus (I was hoping he would decide to quest there since it's level appropriate and he was already there). In both cases he flies to "Dawnrise Expedition, Tanaris", runs east to a small pass between the FP and Land's End Beach, and runs/swims southwest into the ocean until he dies of fatigue. I will attack 2 logs. One ends just before he enters the fatigue area.

      I then stopped the bot, and navigated around the fatigue area manually. After resuming the bot he runs/swims southwest into Uldum just south of "The Cursed Landing". He ends up at 82.66, 68.79 (-10866.63, -2675.89, -1.5959 according to HB. At this point he tries to move UP the z axis. I was unable to determine if that is part of the anti stuck protocol or if it's part of the path the bot is trying to take.

      Logs are attached, let me know if anything was unclear or if I need to direct my report to another thread.

      Please note the log file named with "Copy" contains up to when he was about to enter the fatigue area. The other log file contains Everything from start to when he got stuck (after the fatigue area) and I stopped the bot

      Attached Files:

    9. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Tieme,

      From these log fragments, you've got a number of things going awry. I'm almost tempted to send you to the Support forum due to all the issues.

      But for now, let's see what we can handle here...
      we'll need to see the full log to help you out. If its too big, just zip it up.

      Last edited: Dec 17, 2012
    10. zerop

      zerop New Member

      Dec 17, 2012
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      Hi, first I wanna start of by thanking for this cool profile. Atm I'm lvl 19 and a half. But there have been a problem. All quest givers that have more than 1 quest have to be taken manually. The bot talks to the quest giver and then cancel. Repeat, repeat and repeat until you do it yourself. If you could fix this it would be awesome!!!

      Sincerely Alex
    11. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Zerop,

      What you're reporting isn't a profile issue. This was a bug in Honorbuddy .520 that was repaired in the .521 drop.

      The other thing you can try is to clear your caches:
      • Shut down WoW and Honorbuddy
      • Delete the WoW/Cache, WoW/Data/Cache, and Honorbuddy/Cache directories
      • Restart WoW and Honorbuddy
      If neither one of these brings you joy, please post your problem description and full log in the Support forum.

    12. tieme

      tieme New Member

      Dec 16, 2012
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      The second link (without the word copy in it) is the full log from when I started the bot until it got stuck out in the water trying to move UP. I'm assuming you're referring to where it's throwing some exception when it tries to download the meshes. I haven't been able to resolve this but I'm not sure if it's related. The server seems to time out the download attempt. The specific meshes that it fails on are not consistant, and after failing it tries again and succeeds. Although there are some errors, it seems to download all meshes successfully. This has been happening since I started using the bot and hasn't seemed to effect anything else (are you thinking maybe corrupted meshes or something?).

      Just in case, I ran the bot again from Org. That log is attached and contains the other startup info like the character init. As you can see, this time there was no issues with downloading the meshes but the same thing happened. I had to stop the bot twice to get around the fatigue area.

      Let me know if there is anything else I can clarify.

      Thanks for your time!

      Attached Files:

    13. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi again, Tieme, and thanks for the new log!

      Surprisingly this one doesn't show all the errors of the previous two logs... hmmm.

      Anyway, about your problem, I'm guessing you did something like the following:

      • Ran the profile for a bit, and it moved you from Kalimdor to Eastern Kingdoms at some point
      • You decided to call it a night somewhere in the Swamp of Sorrows or the start of Blasted Lands
      • You hearthed back to Orgrimmar and logged
      • You're trying to restart the profile from Kalimdor somewhere (probably Orgrimmar, but doesn't matter)
      The problem is Honorbuddy doesn't directly support movement among Continents. Kick jumps through some very special hoops when moving a toon from one Continent to another. If you start the profile on the wrong continent from what it expects, you get behavior like this.

      All you need to do to get going again is to move the toon anywhere back to Eastern Kingdoms, then start the profile again. Even if you are on the wrong end of Eastern Kingdoms (say, Undercity), it will make its way back down to the Blasted Lands where it wants to be. (The profile is trying to pick up the Futile Pride quest.)

      In the fuure, if you ever again call it a night on a different continent, just remember to move the toon back to the proper continent before stating the profile.

    14. Razzar

      Razzar New Member

      Mar 10, 2012
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      Often sits near one tree not moving during Sap Tapping
    15. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Its a nice tree! Don't judge me! (I think I know why, bug fixing while I type)
    16. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Multiple bug fixes and 1 new quest (Tiny Treats) in. More coming, but I gtg get food for the wifey. Back to the grind in a few. Tonight's plan is to get all bosses in GL done!

      Golden Lotus Pre-reqs -- No longer checks for, or attempts the optional quests, unless you already have them.
      Shado Pan -- Enemy of my Enemy is smarter, bombs more at a time, and stops when done. Still pulls enemies that attack it though.
      August Celestials -- No longer stands around waiting to fight a second time on the White Tiger fights.
      Anglers -- Added a new quest.
      Cloud Serpents -- Added a new quest.
      Golden Lotus -- Extended wait time on bandaging (Second Chance) to try and avoid running after mobs. Made Eternal Blossom farming MUCH more efficient, and smarter.

      Many more little hotfixes, see the log in my SVN when you update for them all.
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2012
    17. tieme

      tieme New Member

      Dec 16, 2012
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      You hit the nail on the head. It's working now. Thanks!!
    18. backforn

      backforn New Member

      Nov 10, 2012
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      <Hotspot X="2276.979" Y="886.2355" Z="481.4626" />

      Kunlai Summit, gets stuck in the tent all the time.
    19. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      So I popped (i love how c r a c k is a bad word) open Shieldwall again today. I honestly haven't touched it for weeks, since the pathing gave me such a headache.

      Don't get excited...it's still not fixed. I made some maintenance to 1 quest to be smarter, in anticipation to going full live. But it still isn't full...or flawless...or ready.

      BUT! I will say that:
      A Kind of Magic
      Under Pressure

      These quests are working on their own. Green light on 2 of 25, not bad.
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2012
    20. kavlantis

      kavlantis New Member

      Nov 20, 2012
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      In kun lai summit, at eastwind rest inn the bot always try to exit from with in the inn.
      It just runs againt the wall of the inn trying to unstack it self. Clearly is not aware of the wall.
      4 toons so far they all do the same thing and getting away from that area needs constant monitor.

      plz fix
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