After you get to 600 inscrip use this with all the herbs either in your bag or in your mail
There are several options. Make Darkmoon faire cards/decks, make glyphs or do the enchant/vendor shuffle. Depends on the prices on your server.
or you could sell the raw herbs but i think you prob have a higher chance of being caught if you straight sell al your herbs. You could also craft the better shouldee enchants and sell those on the ah for a nice profit from your starlight ink. if you have a lot of free time and dont get bored easy you can sell glyphs on the AH ( i hate the glyph market)
Bot herbs > Mill herbs > Craft BoP MoP shoulders > vendor them all, then craft the BoE ones and either vendor or sell those on the AH.
18,75g for 3 ink of dreams. I dont have statistics but I usually get 9-11 shadow pigments and 1 misty pigment when milling, so like 32g per stack milled
30g / stack on average by milling and vendoring the shoulder enchants by using the mats. That's not counting the Starlight Inks though.