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  • Feedback for buying a 2nd Account and RaF

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Dbuddy, Dec 20, 2012.

    1. Dbuddy

      Dbuddy Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      Started botting again yesterday and my old account works fine it seems :)
      Actually i mix BG with Questing profile (cannot continue the questing profile cause i'm at the office at the moment^^)
      I took the risk and bought RaF Gametime for 3? and MoP vs Gold. the chinaman got me 2 months of gametime and the trade of the MoP Key was really fast o_O
      Added a Relogger because of WoW crashes.

      Still have 140k in stock, enough CPU power and 1 HB Session free so a 2nd account would be a option for me.

      Shall i buy such cheap "unmerged accounts (EU)", connect it to a Bnet Account and send a SoR to it + buy MoP again vs Gold?
      And with the lvl 80 (druid ofc?) a 80-90 profile.
      Shall i buy RaF Gametime again?
      Is it recommended to buy more then 1 or 2 months of RaF at once?

      - On the same server?
      - Shall i invest in a non-free herb/mining profile?

      Is there anything i should concern when adding a 2nd account? Would be my first time i bot 2 accounts at once.

      I am bit unsure how much risk i should take with the china-man stuff (raf/keys/accounts)
      I already botted 2 years ago but i made it different and took the official way (blizzard suscription, blizzard shop)
      this time i've choosen the cheapest way and the possibilities to sell my own gold vs products.

      But later i wanna sell the gold if my acc's run fine.

      Feedback would be nice
    2. lilsavalex

      lilsavalex Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      Blizzard has been hunting down people who exploit RaF time and usually remove it same with the SoR " unmerged accounts ".
      You could buy a fresh legit account from blizzard for 45$ with their current deal with a free month which is great!
      I've been reading the ban section and noticed most of the bans come from BG botting which I wouldn't recommend unless your there supervising it.
    3. Dbuddy

      Dbuddy Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      ok, thanks.
      so is it just "dumb" to use the cheap RaF Gametime often on 2 accounts + buying unmerged accounts? Or is it a risk that can be taken because of the price advantage?

      I also got the mail with the € 0,00 battlechest and 30 Days, i am not sure which option fits better for me...

      New accounts mean lvl 1 and i would really enjoy the advantages of SoR with a lvl 80.

      And i forgot 1 questions: shall i head for a cheap guild to buy?
      Actually i am already in a guild that tolerates botting 100% (know some of them in Real life) but i would feel even more save with a own guild.
      is a guild bank necessary? When i botted 2 years ago i didn't need one because the mailing-function was just fine.
    4. hellrazor113

      hellrazor113 Member

      Jan 12, 2012
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      Great questions here, i just bought 2 SoR accounts also! Working great so far, bought the MoP expansion already for both! I see a lot of story's about RaF time so iam going to wait with that untill the heat is off my accounts from SoR. First couple of months i will get my gametime legit (altough RaF seems legit to)
    5. justinbie

      justinbie New Member

      Nov 15, 2012
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      You really have to be sure blizzard recieved their payments. I had a chinese guy add 6 months paytime on my main acc, 3 months on 2 different bot account. He transfered 4 of my characters to a different realm and 5 faction changes. The price was around 200k, and blizzard contacted me 2 days later saying they haven't gotten their money.

      luckily they didnt transfer my characters back, just gave them the option to faction change back to horde xD So that means I have 4 chars I can transfer to horde whenever i want for free.
      That's just pure luck tho, and it took a week for blizzard to solve it.
      You really have to be careful cus that drew a lot of attention to my account.

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