This plugin has been remade into a botbase, please refer to
Example 1) You are questing, 1-85. While you're moveing around completing quests, ObjectGatherer spots a chest, it will move to said chest and loot it. Example 2) You are fishing in Valley of the Four Winds. ObjectGatherer spots a Dark Soil (if you're not best friend with all Tillers factions), it will move to the dark soil and loot it. Updated main post with links to profiles and credits.
I like the idea of this. Will check it out when i get home. Just to verify. It will auto loot those objects once it detects them in range? it will overide whatever the bot is doing and loot them? Also is there a settings menu that lets you select what you want it to loot?
Yes, as long as you're not in combat, it will override whatever the bot is doing and move to the item and loot it (and then resume what it was doing). Atm no, there isn't a settings menu (yet) as this is a open beta. In a later point I will add a menu where you can add/remove items you want plugin to find, allso with conditions if it's reputation based.
Currently it checks if object is in lineofsight so no But I can code a logic for that at a later point, tho I need the location of underground object reported to able to code such logic.
<howls with laughter> Hi, AknA, This is outside the scope of your plugin requirements, but I'll toss it anyway... If you are within "interact distance" of a door or somesuch, maybe click on it to interact with it? I can think of a couple of places in Kick's profiles where quest PickUps or TurnIns sit at an NPC in a doored room. This would help the toon out immensely in those areas, since the profile is not smart enough to click on the door (its a navigational issue). Just a thought, and thanks for the new toy! cheers, chinajade
How about the MOP Lost and Found items? They are BOA, so they could be useful for your alts as well. I recently got the 2h sword and it increased the leveling speed of my frostdk tremendously(manually leveled with LazyRaider). At level 86 you can basicly twohit mobs. At level 89 mobs are tougher, but it would suck even more to kill them with some crappy questreward weapon. These are rarespawns(I think I remember reading 16h somewhere), so they could be hard to debug.
If you can find out the object id of the doors I'll add em. Then it's just to add a exception that it only react to said door if it's in interact range so it doesn't fly out of it's way just to open said door. And I hope there is different id's for a closed door and a open door, otherwize I have to come up with a logic to fix that so it doesn't keep clicking the door as you still are in interact range.
New Beta ver up, * Ver 0.57 Beta * Fixed a spamming bug with Logging.Write() if you're exalted with a faction. * Fixed the interact timer to not bug out.
And a new ver up again. * Ver 0.58 Beta * Tweaked the timer logic abit more. Bot should wait 2 seconds after interacting with a object now, please report if it gets stuck doing so.
New ver up. * Ver 0.60 Beta * Just found out that HB had a Stopwatch() function (yes, I'm a retard). * Added the NPC id's for Lost And Found achievement (not working yet tho)