Hi Sometime when I startup HB I get a "System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 1A142F20 [299]" when it wants to read the zone text. I had a similar exception when reading the name of items when HB chooses quest rewards. A WoW reastart fixes the problem. But still it would be nice if it gets fixed. Maybe HB reads over the memory section because the string buffer is too big? Thanks View attachment 3436 2012-12-26 20.37.txt Upps: Can this thread get moved to the support section? Sorry was in the wrong section.
I think this issue occurs on Windows XP only. Never got it with Win7 using the bot for several days. I also think it's exactly the same problem as my questing problem.
It was just installed from scratch. As I said. You guys have a sporadic problem with reading strings (e.g. item / zone texts) on Windows XP. I'm certain it's the same problem as reported by me here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/support-issues/97753-problem-turning-quest.html But just at another location in the bot. If you don't want to pass it to the devs and try to reproduce it (just start the questing bot on Windows XP and let it run for a couple of hours). I don't care. As I solved it by switching to Win7. But you probably got other customers, which are suffering from the same issue. At least I saw a couple of similar reports.
Hi again, Kelcer, Thanks so much for the link to that previous thread. I read through it again, and this one. I see two things we haven't discussed yet. Make certain Honorbuddy (the executable or the directory) is an exception in your AntiVirus Make certain that both the WoWclient and Honorbuddy are running as Windoze admin. I understand that you are on XP where such is less important, but it could still be interfering. If this doesn't get you fixed up, I'm out of ideas at the moment. cheers, chinajade
No this can't be the problem. I don't use any AV software on my botting machine and ofc all runs as administrator. I use a clean installation. Just the OS, Wow and HB. There is no additional software which could interfere. If I had to make a qualified guess. I would say HB tries to read from unallocated memory. This could happen if you get unlucky and a string is at the very end of a memory section. If HB uses a string buffer size which is lager then the allocated memory. Maybe Vista/Win7/Win8 just don't care but XP throws an exception.