Dispells are kinda situational in my opinion. For example when fighting Tsulong we have an order who dispells the boss and which player. What do you mean exactly? If you are speaking about Sun Breath you can pause the CR by setting a pause key in Lazyraider config Just press that button 2-3 seconds before Sun Breath and make sure to generate chi to apply Enveloping Mist as soon as the boss casts the ability. Then cast Soothing Mist and spam Surging Mist. When the buff has 2 seconds left apply Enveloping Mist again because it still heals for the same amount even when the buff has ran out.
Crash, is there any priority paid to the target or the focus target? Thanks for this...true lifesaver as TuanaHA went from 50k hps down to 8 and I cant get it working...so I am very appreciative of you.
Tanks > Person with the lowest HP > People affected by Enveloping Mist Thats the way it works at the moment.
crash with your setting 1 page back i'm running OOM so fast in instances havent tryed LFR yet Ilv 463
How does the CR determine the tanks...does it use Lazy Raider to determine tanks? i typically use the setting "run without a tank" ?? "
It uses the information WoW provides itself. Tanks are always marked as tanks in 5mans and LFR and should be marked as tanks by the raid lead in normal and hc raids How much spirit do you have? Try to lower Healing Sphere for 10% and Soothing Mist for 5%. Change Enveloping Mist to a value which is higher than the one you use with Healing Sphere. I'm currently at ~9.3k spirit unbuffed and it's possible for me to heal 5 mans with even higher settings without running out of mana.
any chance of an update on this Routine? Its a great lightweight and quick routine and I hope that you can keep it running. Since 5.2, I've simply unchecked jab/tp/bok so its not fistweaving, which is fine with me. I still use the soothing mist, renew on Cd, enveloping mist and surging mist, as well as the automatic expel and mana tea. One thing that this one does that I've not found in many others is a chi dump with uplift, which is important in building mana tea stacks. Really, the only thing i'd like to change on this is a Chi Wave on CD option. Just have use the same target selection that Renewing Mist uses, except that it CAN cast on a target that has the renewing mist buff. Probably something simple to include if you don't have to change the GUI, just add it in to do it on cd like mana tea imo.
Soo...not sure if this is appropriate or not, but i'll post what i've changed in this CC to make it do chiwave/chiburst. Keep in mind i've never coded anything before, so there's probably a better way to do it. just want to get something simple out there for ppl that want it now. 1)Chiwave or ChiBurst on CD Open up your HB folder and open this file - Routines\Mistweaver-Monk\trunk\Mistweaver.cs in an xml editor like Notepad++ Find the following lines 124-125 of the script. ----------------------- // Self Cast Expel Harm SelfCast("Expel Harm", ret => ((ret != null && ((WoWUnit)ret).Guid != StyxWoW.Me.Guid && StyxWoW.Me.CurrentChi < 2) || StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent < 100) && StyxWoW.Me.CurrentChi < StyxWoW.Me.MaxChi), ----------------------- Right beneath that code, paste this code in there and format it appropriately. That'll cast Chiwave on you on CD, and there will be no option or checkbox to not cast chiwave on cd. Just have to remember to be withing 20yrds of an enemy or it won't bounce. Best coding would make it target the lowest health unit that is within 20yds range of a hostile unit, but i'm clueless here...and this simply gets the chiwave bouncing. I just copied the code from Expel Harm and deleted the unnecessary chi related parts. probably still some unneccessary bits in there i'm sure. ------------------------- // Self Cast Chi Wave SelfCast("Chi Wave", ret => ((ret != null && ((WoWUnit)ret).Guid != StyxWoW.Me.Guid) || StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent <= 100)), ------------------------- For ChiBurst, find this code in the Mistweaver.cs file and delete the part that i have bolded/underlined. That part tells it to only cast if >2 chi. Not base on chi anymore, just a CD. everything else remains the same, checkbox and health% on the GUI still apply. ------------------------ // Chi Burst new Decorator(ctx => MistweaverSettings.Instance.ChiBurst, new PrioritySelector(ctx => Clusters.GetBestUnitForCluster(GetChiBurstUnits(), ClusterType.Path, 10f), new Decorator(ctx => ctx != null && Clusters.GetClusterCount((WoWUnit)ctx, GetChiBurstUnits(), ClusterType.Path, 10f) >= MistweaverSettings.Instance.ChiBurstCount && StyxWoW.Me.CurrentChi >= 2, Cast("Chi Burst", ctx => (WoWUnit)ctx) ) ) ), ----------------------- anyhow, hope this helps in the meantime till an update can come our way. EDIT: i've had a couple request to share what i've modified, since it seems no one is updating this routine. i've attached it below View attachment Mistweaver-Monk.zip
OK new post, don't wanna dilute the last one. I've attached the routine that I've modified. Full disclosure, I am by no means a guy that knows jack about code, but what i've done above works, so use it with that in mind. If it doesn't work, start with a fresh download of HB, I run this routine with Lazy Raider 30fps / frame lock / DO NOT FOLLOW TANK - that just gives you away as a bot. View attachment 91107 Below are my settings for 'Class Config' Be Aware that by checking 'Jab/TP/BoK it will Fistweave...Uncheck these to stop it from Jabbing/Blackout Kicking/Tiger Palming For Talents: lvl30 - Chi Wave lvl45 - Ascension lvl90 - White Tiger / Chi Torpedo Ultimately it does not matter what talents you run. If you like chi wave, it automatically does it on CD. I've not really messed with Chi Burst, When i do select Chi Burst I choose to do it manually anyhow, but the original work retains the coding in it for Chi Burst as well as an option. Make sure you ARE USING Glyph of Mana Tea Make sure you NOT USING Glyph of Uplift Things this routine will do 1) Cast Renewing Mist on CD, with very few exceptions. 2) Cast Chi Wave in CD, with very few exceptions. 3) If you keep soothing mist health% high, it'll generate decent chi with soothing mist 4) Use Mana Tea on CD, 85% or lower Mana 5) Expel Harm on CD, with less than 100% health 6) If you check Jab/TP/BoK in the settings, it will Jab for MM Proc / BoK only with MM to keep up Serpents Zeal / TP only with MM Things this routine will NOT DO 1) Thunder Focus Tea (TfT) 2) Place your statue 3) Use a mana pot 4) Use an on-use trinket 5) Use your lvl90 Talent 6) No *****ling Jade Lightning 7) No movement 8) No Revival 9) No Life Cocoon Essentially, this profile will do the fundementals of the Mistweaver, while leaving the real decision making components to you.