Could someone enumerate blacklist subzones of uldum in Honorbuddy ArchaeologyBot "Bot config" Thx!!!!!
Kalimdor Cata Uldum - Sixteen total dig sites spawn here (an increase from an original nine on Cata's first release), and all locations are Eureka-worthy regardless of where they spawn, so long as it's in ULDUM... (If only they spawned a little more often!):■ Akhenet Fields ■ Keset Pass ■ Khartut's Tomb ■ Neferset City ■ Obelisk of the Stars ■ Orsis ■ Ruins of Ahmtul ■ Ruins of Ammon ■ Ruins of Khintaset ■ Sahket Wastes ■ Schnottz's Landing ■ Steps of Fate (south of the Halls of Origination) ■ Temple of Uldum ■ The Cursed Landing ■ Tombs of the Precursors (north of the Halls of Origination) ■ Vir'naal River Delta (near Lost City of Tol'vir)
just want to say the fastest way to farm this mount now is to farm pandaria dig sites im averaging 50+ finds a day currently buy just buying the crate things at the golden lotus. hope this helps im hoping to get mine soon [main account took 450 finds]
Whats that? Could you give me concrete information? Like places and titles ) Sounds really interesting, never heard of it before!