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  • [A3 Inferno] Act 3 Inferno by rrrix

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by rrrix, Jan 5, 2013.

    1. Skeeh

      Skeeh New Member

      Sep 25, 2012
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      Thx rrrix !

      Maybe you should attach the "TrinityRoutine.zip" to your 1st post ;)
    2. PainfulDeath

      PainfulDeath Member

      Jul 12, 2012
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      You are the man, bro!
    3. jokersmocker99

      jokersmocker99 Member

      Jan 13, 2012
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      Hey man, i have tryed it with YAR but its not working, keeps saying that loads the profile but the chars just stands there.....

      [20:25:28.161 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:28.732 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:29.041 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:29.350 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:29.684 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:30.002 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:30.308 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:30.616 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:30.966 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:31.280 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:31.613 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:31.954 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:32.263 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:32.599 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [20:25:32.889 N] Stopping the bot.

      Keeps doing this.... I loaded the start_here rrix profile in YAR :(

      Bah My bad. Here it is the latest log of all.... View attachment 7828 2013-01-10 20.34.txt
      Last edited: Jan 10, 2013
    4. rrrix

      rrrix DEVELOPER Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 11, 2010
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      Now now joker... you've been around a while. You should know by now that you need to ZIP and ATTACH a log! Come on bud :)

      There are Diagnostic messages not shown in the log window.
    5. jokersmocker99

      jokersmocker99 Member

      Jan 13, 2012
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    6. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      Hi Joker! I had a similar problem , and I solved it by unchecking the "use yar kickstarter" option in Yar. Other than that, why don't you try to load it without Atom? Hope it helps!!!
    7. rrrix

      rrrix DEVELOPER Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 11, 2010
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      Hmm.. if you're using YAR, you should be using the file Act3 by rrrix START_HERE.xml
    8. beefidus

      beefidus New Member

      Oct 31, 2012
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      really nice profile, but he loose a lot of time in the kept/small dungeon (backing on already explored map):(
    9. Hagel

      Hagel New Member

      Jan 6, 2013
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      Just thought i would post an update on the profile, since my first post getting 50mill/hour.

      This is after more than 24hours of continuous running, only paused a few times to collect gold from auction house and re-post a few items, and then resumed the bot straight after without restarting it.

      I have removed both levels of tower of the damned from the profile, as they slowed down the experience over time by quite a bit, aswell as being a bit buggy from time to time.
      I also removed both levels of keep depths, as enormous backtracking through the entire dungeon occurs often, and is a huge deficit to experience.

      And to show that the picture was not taken during a peak area, i took the screenshot near the end of stonefort.

    10. FyM

      FyM New Member

      Sep 25, 2012
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      cant download cause db website is lagging damn bad.
    11. Ecalite

      Ecalite New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      Hagel, this would be more credible if you posted your XP/Hr from your trinity logs

      Can you do that? Thank you :)

      Also, could you please post which MP level you're botting at, along with your DPS..
    12. zoriru

      zoriru New Member

      Dec 27, 2012
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      Bug report: Somehow the bot lost the 5 stack NV when it ported to town. It didn't create new game.
      It happened when the bot reached the end of Stoneford and was trying to port to town. It took several tries because I was attacked by a ranged mob. It successfully ported to town after randomly moved away from the mob. When it was back to town, it couldn't make it to the portal right away but walked to the edge of town then finally walked back to the portal to move to next quest. When it was in the new quest, I noticed that the 5 stack NV was gone.
      I used Demonbuddy .295.
      Here is the log at exact moment when it happened:

      [12:09:49.717 N] Clearing Stonefort pt 4
      [12:10:23.798 N] [SafeMoveTo]: Reached Destination! questId="101758" stepId="1" x="3179" y="3295" z="25" pathPrecision=50
      [12:10:23.818 N] Clearing Stonefort pt 5
      [12:10:52.088 N] [SafeMoveTo]: Reached Destination! questId="101758" stepId="1" x="3262" y="2776" z="0" pathPrecision=15
      [12:11:06.538 N] Using town portal
      [12:11:12.888 N] Using town portal
      [12:11:16.448 N] Using town portal
      [12:11:21.538 N] Using town portal
      [12:11:27.398 N] Townportal successfull, we are in town!
      [12:11:27.958 N] Loading next profile...
      [12:11:28.108 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [12:11:28.128 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [12:11:28.138 N] [Trinity]TrinityLoadOnce: Found 10 Total Profiles, 34665 Used Profiles, 4 Unused Profiles
      [12:11:28.148 N] [Trinity]TrinityLoadOnce: Loading next random profile: ArreatCrater2.xml
      [12:11:28.268 N] Loaded profile Arreat Crater Level 2 by rrrix
      [12:11:28.288 N] Using Waypoint to Arreat Crater Level 2
      [12:11:53.158 N] Using Waypoint Waypoint-42137 Number:8
      [12:11:54.238 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [12:11:54.298 N] Exploring Arreat Crater Level 2
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2013
    13. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      When you are finishing Tower, on the stairs that goes to the big yellow portal that leads to the next zone (tower2) , if the order to interact with the portal is already sent and you are attacked (happens often with the little demons that climb the sides of the path and attack your back) if will get permastuck due to this loop:

      [00:46:08.662 D] [Trinity]Sell routine finished.
      [00:46:10.321 D] Navigator.Clear
      [00:46:10.321 D] Generating path to Town Portal (Possible) - <379.0132, 421.9469, 0.3321455>
      [00:46:10.324 D] Successfully generated path from {X=129,Y=176} to {X=169,Y=152} in 00:00:00.0017946 with 41(8) hops
      [00:46:10.324 D] Client path generated.
      [00:46:10.325 D] Generated path to <379.0132, 421.9469, 0.3321455> (Town Portal (Possible)) with 8 hops.
      [00:46:13.259 D] Generating path to Town Portal (Definite) - <374.0712, 417.0049, 0.6144867>
      [00:46:13.261 D] Successfully generated path from {X=151,Y=159} to {X=167,Y=150} in 00:00:00.0003291 with 17(5) hops
      [00:46:13.261 D] Client path generated.
      [00:46:13.261 D] Generated path to <374.0712, 417.0049, 0.6144867> (Town Portal (Definite)) with 5 hops.
      [00:46:20.635 V] [QuestTools] worldId changed from 172909 to 79401
      [00:46:20.635 V] [QuestTools] levelAreaId changed from 92945 to 80791
      [00:46:20.635 V] [QuestTools] Change(s) occured at Position x="1105" y="1045" z="-79"
      [00:46:23.138 D] Done vendoring
      [00:46:23.331 N] [SafeMoveTo]: Reached Destination! questId="101758" stepId="1" x="1105,643" y="1046,139" z="-78,24919" pathPrecision=10
      [00:46:23.339 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 4fd9710f-fd10-4896-99d2-535d7e608a8e
      [00:46:23.339 N] Using portal to Tower of the Damned Level 2
      [00:46:23.437 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] e202dc82-524a-415e-bdcf-88f90310848d
      [00:46:23.439 D] Navigator.Clear
      [00:46:23.439 D] [MoveToActor] Initialized questId="101758" stepId="1" actorId="176001" x="1106" y="1046" z="-78" interactRange="20" interactAttempts=5 distance="1" maxSearchDistance=0 rayCastDistance=250 lastPosition=<1105.006, 1045.008, -78.59785>, isPortal=True destinationWorldId=80763, startInteractPosition=<0, 0, 0> completedInteractAttempts=0
      [00:46:23.777 D] [MoveToActor] Interacting with Object: 176001 questId="101758" stepId="1" actorId="176001" x="1086" y="1043" z="-83" interactRange="20" interactAttempts=5 distance="20" maxSearchDistance=0 rayCastDistance=250 lastPosition=<1105.006, 1045.008, -78.59785>, isPortal=True destinationWorldId=80763, startInteractPosition=<1105.006, 1045.008, -78.59785> completedInteractAttempts=1 actorId="176001", Name=g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange-37330 InLineOfSight=True ActorType=Gizmo Position= x="1086" y="1043" z="-83" attempt: 1, lastInteractDuration: 0
      [00:46:29.644 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [00:46:31.550 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9e8174c7-30ab-43a1-b8f5-9e36934357f4
      [00:46:31.585 N] Attempted to load random profile from within Tower of the Damned1-2. Using TowerDamned1-2 profile instead.
      [00:46:31.591 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] af499d2f-fd8b-4e91-966d-10d7255ef532
      [00:46:31.802 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [00:46:31.815 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 8103bd35-eb76-4263-8a2b-42a1e67023fa
      [00:46:31.818 N] Attempted to load random profile from within Tower of the Damned1-2. Using TowerDamned1-2 profile instead.
      [00:46:31.910 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f303cece-7e6b-41a8-b77b-551e45c4a364
      [00:46:32.127 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [00:46:32.140 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6fd6a6b1-5ee6-40c8-a940-09dd02cd0782
      [00:46:32.143 N] Attempted to load random profile from within Tower of the Damned1-2. Using TowerDamned1-2 profile instead.
      [00:46:32.233 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 3486285c-dedf-442b-a0d6-992f83b1b9b0
      [00:46:32.466 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [00:46:32.478 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] da9d8f9a-f620-4fd7-b99b-77796312fb74
      [00:46:32.480 N] Attempted to load random profile from within Tower of the Damned1-2. Using TowerDamned1-2 profile instead.
      [00:46:32.575 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] a1d3e93e-0864-4292-93c8-2331edd0b2c6
      [00:46:32.793 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [00:46:32.803 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c6130281-ec1b-41ba-8bda-f81103567646
      [00:46:32.806 N] Attempted to load random profile from within Tower of the Damned1-2. Using TowerDamned1-2 profile instead.
      [00:46:32.898 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 766a3236-0089-4bec-a9d9-72c17aa52e9c
      [00:46:33.124 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [00:46:33.137 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] b782d644-950f-4c90-a558-75ba2b4389e4
      [00:46:33.140 N] Attempted to load random profile from within Tower of the Damned1-2. Using TowerDamned1-2 profile instead.
      [00:46:33.229 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] d7d73996-d170-487e-83b0-bd45f1cf5d7f
      [00:46:33.458 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [00:46:33.469 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f761ebad-ce3a-4c3a-aa7c-b7a0dc517d06
      [00:46:33.471 N] Attempted to load random profile from within Tower of the Damned1-2. Using TowerDamned1-2 profile instead.
      [00:46:33.562 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 06e1fb2c-0c7e-4579-b1b5-4b2da030ec13
      [00:46:33.780 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [00:46:33.789 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1d69b548-55b2-4346-8a2c-f690c7c7a0d2
      [00:46:33.792 N] Attempted to load random profile from within Tower of the Damned1-2. Using TowerDamned1-2 profile instead.
      [00:46:33.884 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] bce43f7d-2684-47e3-a614-d3cc8ef683a8
      [00:46:34.087 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix

      Shortened the log, bug it end up activating inactivity timer.
      Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
    14. xyber

      xyber New Member

      Oct 2, 2012
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      4 issues but am unable to pin point the issue in the logs (unable to attach the log for some reason). But this profile is awesome and I hope that this

      1) At Rakkis Crossing after coming up from Fields of Slaughter, the bot will sometimes move to the Siegebreaker's portal and get stuck there.
      2) At the Tower of the Cursed's stairs where the bot turns toward the portal toward the next map, if there's a breakable object that, the bot will get stuck in that area trying to wait for the object to spawn. It only occurs when there's an object there.
      3) Right after the bot leaves the game on the map it died at, it will hit respawn right before it leaves and will cause a crash most of the time.
      4) Upon death, when the bot resumes game, it will sometimes use the profile of the last map it was in and explore Bastion's Keep. Weird

      I found this though

      [12:02:24.581 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=286} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0069312 with 149(16) hops
      [12:02:24.581 D] Client path generated.
      [12:02:24.581 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 16 hops.
      [12:02:36.952 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:02:36.952 D] Generating path to FallenChampion_D - <601.1763, 607.3365, 0.325069>
      [12:02:36.955 D] Successfully generated path from {X=245,Y=225} to {X=243,Y=240} in 00:00:00.0002197 with 16(3) hops
      [12:02:36.955 D] Client path generated.
      [12:02:36.955 D] Generated path to <601.1763, 607.3365, 0.325069> (FallenChampion_D) with 3 hops.
      [12:02:38.602 D] Generating path to a3_Battlefield_Barricade_Breakable_charred - <596.9597, 614.6068, 0.2250705>
      [12:02:38.655 D] Successfully generated path from {X=242,Y=235} to {X=246,Y=239} in 00:00:00.0001835 with 5(2) hops
      [12:02:38.655 D] Client path generated.
      [12:02:38.655 D] Generated path to <596.9597, 614.6068, 0.2250705> (a3_Battlefield_Barricade_Breakable_charred) with 2 hops.
      [12:02:39.602 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:02:39.602 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:02:39.721 D] Successfully generated path from {X=246,Y=239} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0043726 with 99(12) hops
      [12:02:39.721 D] Client path generated.
      [12:02:39.721 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 12 hops.
      [12:02:45.642 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:02:47.548 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:02:47.591 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0043367 with 85(11) hops
      [12:02:47.591 D] Client path generated.
      [12:02:47.591 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:02:51.803 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:02:53.722 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:02:53.840 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0044104 with 85(11) hops
      [12:02:53.840 D] Client path generated.
      [12:02:53.840 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:02:58.032 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:02:59.896 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:02:59.927 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0034287 with 85(11) hops
      [12:02:59.927 D] Client path generated.
      [12:02:59.927 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:03:04.123 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:03:06.053 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:03:06.094 D] Successfully generated path from {X=241,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0043512 with 85(11) hops
      [12:03:06.094 D] Client path generated.
      [12:03:06.094 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:03:10.195 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:03:12.157 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:03:12.162 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0035033 with 85(11) hops
      [12:03:12.162 D] Client path generated.
      [12:03:12.162 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:03:16.285 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:03:18.112 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:03:18.193 D] Successfully generated path from {X=241,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0026312 with 85(11) hops
      [12:03:18.193 D] Client path generated.
      [12:03:18.193 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:03:22.335 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:03:24.214 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:03:24.229 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0047433 with 85(11) hops
      [12:03:24.229 D] Client path generated.
      [12:03:24.229 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:03:28.495 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:03:30.374 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:03:30.461 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0026629 with 85(11) hops
      [12:03:30.461 D] Client path generated.
      [12:03:30.461 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:03:34.523 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:03:36.518 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:03:36.560 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0032198 with 85(11) hops
      [12:03:36.560 D] Client path generated.
      [12:03:36.560 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:03:40.624 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:03:42.472 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:03:42.499 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0037140 with 85(11) hops
      [12:03:42.499 D] Client path generated.
      [12:03:42.499 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:03:46.702 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:03:48.602 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:03:48.626 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0040436 with 85(11) hops
      [12:03:48.626 D] Client path generated.
      [12:03:48.626 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:03:52.767 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:03:54.704 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:03:54.712 D] Successfully generated path from {X=241,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0043642 with 85(11) hops
      [12:03:54.712 D] Client path generated.
      [12:03:54.712 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:03:58.990 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:04:00.770 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:04:00.795 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0039567 with 85(11) hops
      [12:04:00.795 D] Client path generated.
      [12:04:00.795 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:04:05.124 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:04:06.981 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:04:07.026 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0042244 with 85(11) hops
      [12:04:07.026 D] Client path generated.
      [12:04:07.026 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:04:11.192 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:04:12.972 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:04:13.116 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0037864 with 85(11) hops
      [12:04:13.116 D] Client path generated.
      [12:04:13.116 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:04:17.274 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:04:17.275 D] Generating path to original destination - <552.5, 597.5, 0.225071>
      [12:04:17.292 D] Successfully generated path from {X=245,Y=225} to {X=239,Y=221} in 00:00:00.0001307 with 7(4) hops
      [12:04:17.292 D] Client path generated.
      [12:04:17.292 D] Generated path to <552.5, 597.5, 0.225071> (original destination) with 4 hops.
      [12:04:18.809 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:04:18.809 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:04:18.870 D] Successfully generated path from {X=241,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0041405 with 85(11) hops
      [12:04:18.870 D] Client path generated.
      [12:04:18.870 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:04:23.366 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:04:25.210 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:04:25.231 D] Successfully generated path from {X=238,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0029165 with 85(9) hops
      [12:04:25.231 D] Client path generated.
      [12:04:25.231 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 9 hops.
      [12:04:29.603 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:04:31.417 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:04:31.445 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0046337 with 85(11) hops
      [12:04:31.445 D] Client path generated.
      [12:04:31.445 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:04:35.729 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:04:37.560 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:04:37.568 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0042655 with 85(11) hops
      [12:04:37.568 D] Client path generated.
      [12:04:37.568 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:04:41.786 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:04:43.600 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:04:43.671 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0039368 with 85(11) hops
      [12:04:43.671 D] Client path generated.
      [12:04:43.671 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:04:47.885 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:04:49.681 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:04:49.807 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0040382 with 85(11) hops
      [12:04:49.807 D] Client path generated.
      [12:04:49.807 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:04:53.960 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:04:55.784 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:04:55.823 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0039694 with 85(11) hops
      [12:04:55.823 D] Client path generated.
      [12:04:55.823 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:05:00.040 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:05:01.859 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:05:01.913 D] Successfully generated path from {X=238,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0049265 with 85(9) hops
      [12:05:01.913 D] Client path generated.
      [12:05:01.913 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 9 hops.
      [12:05:06.058 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:05:07.901 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:05:08.019 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0039081 with 85(11) hops
      [12:05:08.019 D] Client path generated.
      [12:05:08.019 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:05:12.146 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:05:13.940 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:05:13.998 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0042739 with 85(11) hops
      [12:05:13.998 D] Client path generated.
      [12:05:13.998 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:05:18.193 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:05:20.281 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:05:20.309 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0030608 with 85(11) hops
      [12:05:20.309 D] Client path generated.
      [12:05:20.309 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:05:24.268 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:05:26.079 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:05:26.137 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0041438 with 85(11) hops
      [12:05:26.137 D] Client path generated.
      [12:05:26.137 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:05:30.398 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:05:32.217 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:05:32.270 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0038812 with 85(11) hops
      [12:05:32.270 D] Client path generated.
      [12:05:32.270 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:05:36.615 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:05:38.381 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:05:38.452 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0042217 with 85(11) hops
      [12:05:38.452 D] Client path generated.
      [12:05:38.452 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:05:42.672 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:05:44.483 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:05:44.566 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0028368 with 85(11) hops
      [12:05:44.566 D] Client path generated.
      [12:05:44.566 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:05:48.749 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:05:50.533 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:05:50.573 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0042344 with 85(11) hops
      [12:05:50.573 D] Client path generated.
      [12:05:50.573 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:05:54.871 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:05:54.872 D] Generating path to original destination - <555, 600, 0.225069>
      [12:05:54.914 D] Successfully generated path from {X=245,Y=225} to {X=240,Y=222} in 00:00:00.0001162 with 6(2) hops
      [12:05:54.914 D] Client path generated.
      [12:05:54.914 D] Generated path to <555, 600, 0.225069> (original destination) with 2 hops.
      [12:05:56.431 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:05:56.431 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:05:56.448 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0033312 with 85(11) hops
      [12:05:56.448 D] Client path generated.
      [12:05:56.448 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:06:00.909 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:06:02.777 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:06:02.786 D] Successfully generated path from {X=244,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0043156 with 85(11) hops
      [12:06:02.786 D] Client path generated.
      [12:06:02.786 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:06:07.038 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:06:08.949 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:06:08.983 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0028848 with 85(11) hops
      [12:06:08.983 D] Client path generated.
      [12:06:08.983 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:06:13.137 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:06:14.971 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:06:15.034 D] Successfully generated path from {X=239,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0044252 with 85(11) hops
      [12:06:15.034 D] Client path generated.
      [12:06:15.034 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:06:19.230 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:06:21.043 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:06:21.073 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0041746 with 85(11) hops
      [12:06:21.073 D] Client path generated.
      [12:06:21.073 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:06:25.329 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:06:27.141 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:06:27.190 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0026155 with 85(11) hops
      [12:06:27.190 D] Client path generated.
      [12:06:27.190 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      [12:06:31.378 D] Navigator.Clear
      [12:06:33.189 D] Generating path to Moving to use waypoint - <402, 414, 1>
      [12:06:33.223 D] Successfully generated path from {X=240,Y=225} to {X=166,Y=161} in 00:00:00.0042492 with 85(11) hops
      [12:06:33.223 D] Client path generated.
      [12:06:33.223 D] Generated path to <402, 414, 1> (Moving to use waypoint) with 11 hops.
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2013
    15. Nazair

      Nazair New Member

      Jan 5, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Will be testing it right now but before I would like to know if there's a way to put Stonefort always as at least second on the list?
      I would like to have a chance for key :p
    16. rrrix

      rrrix DEVELOPER Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 11, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Nope! Random is random.
    17. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      that's just cruel! lol
    18. Nazair

      Nazair New Member

      Jan 5, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Damn. Pity there is no such thing as real random :D

      Anyways, great profile. Around 3 hours of running and no stucks so far. Ability to "delete" certain places from list also very helpful.
      Thank you very much for this profile ^_^
    19. xyber

      xyber New Member

      Oct 2, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      With regards to my earlier post, apparently 3) and 4) were directly related to Atom. After a fresh install removing Atom, the profile works perfectly. I have yet to observe bug 1) and 2) as well. Great profile rrrix.
    20. Misc

      Misc New Member

      Oct 11, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      keeps glitching [02:48:33.571 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [02:48:33.994 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [02:48:34.445 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [02:48:34.939 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [02:48:35.320 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [02:48:35.678 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [02:48:36.200 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [02:48:36.640 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [02:48:36.980 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix
      [02:48:37.449 N] Loaded profile Load Random Act 3 Area by rrrix

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