[19:22:53.121 D] Requesting path on 156 from <42.33173, 21.19641, -671.6533> to <345.458, -4.698928, -482.9557> [19:22:53.121 N] SendPathRequest while not connected.... Getting this randomly when running orderbot. Sometimes restarting RB fixes it, sometimes it starts to work by itself, I've no idea..
It may look like it's not doing anything, but just wait. It's taken 10 seconds before when I've seen that. If it doesn't work after 30 seconds, restart RB.
or just spam start/stop till it connects is what I do if it doesn't get it after like 30-60 seconds. One good thing about getting this error is you can fly around to nodes and it'll automatically mine when it get's close enough XD