View attachment NPCRepairTag.cs Usage: Code: <NPCRepair NpcID="1008868" /> Tag will go to an NPC vendor and repair all your equipment (for gil). Will close crafting log if it is open. Required Parameters: NpcID - 1008868 is the id for your house mender. Use the console or to get other NPC IDs. Optional Parameters: XYZ - Vector3 location of the NPC. If provided, tag will move to that Location and scan for the npc. DialogOption - Default: 0. The dialog option to select at the NPC to get to their repair window. The options start at 0, so if Repair is the third option, set this to 2. Can be omitted if NPC goes straight to repair window (i.e. your house mender). Threshhold - float, default: 100.0. Minimum value needed for this tag to go repair. If no equipment is below this value, tag will immediately exit without doing anything.
I have“ NPCRepairTag.cs” installed to the computer the system disk? Please give me an installation path
I apologize but I know next to nothing how to make this work. But this custom tag looks very promising so I was wondering if there is any tutorial/guide on how to set these up?
AFAIK put this tag inside your XML the best spot is after the <TeleportTo AetheryteId="XXX" Name="XXXXXXX"/> tag Example Only : Code: <If Condition="not IsOnMap(397)"> <LogMessage Message="Teleporting to harvest Cedar Logs."/> <TeleportTo Name="Falcon's Nest" AetheryteId="71" /> </If> <NPCRepair NpcID="1011229" Threshhold="30" DialogOption="0" XYZ="502.4771, 212.7327, 716.2381" />
Thanks metro. I think I know where it should be now. OrderB uses the tags coming from Profiles. Which means it needs to be converted into a plugin if I wanted it to work with FateB.