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  • Get Rid of Agro while Gathering

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Profiles' started by nishalp, Aug 8, 2015.

    1. nishalp

      nishalp Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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      So I know Mastahq is going to add a tag to allow you to move when you get agro gathering but I wanted to see if I could find some way to do it now while I am leveling. So I did manage to get something working and it seems to be working good.

      Rather than running in stealth, I put a While Condition in the Order. Then I put a while="not Core.Player.InCombat" into the Gather Tag. So when you get agro, the InCombat turns true and it stops gathering. Then finally I put a Move To TAg with a XYZ that I know will get rid of the agro. Once it reaches the spot and the agro is gone, it will resume gathering.

      Gonna see if I can put some Code execution that will be smarter than actually specifying a location...

      Hope this help others.

         <Name>Dravanian Spring Water</Name>
      	<While Condition="True">
      	        <TeleportTo Name="Tailfeather" AetheryteId="76" />
      		<Gather while="not Core.Player.InCombat">
              		<GatherObject>Mineral Deposit</GatherObject>
            				<Hotspot Radius="200" XYZ="156.5321, -122.8785, 500.831"  />
      	      			<Hotspot Radius="200" XYZ="260.0817, -114.999, 448.9835"  />
            				<Hotspot Radius="200" XYZ="260.0817, -114.999, 448.9835"  />
      		        	<ItemName>Dravanian Spring Water</ItemName>
      		<MoveTo XYZ="283.4615, -101.9497, 336.8608" />
    2. tishat

      tishat Member

      May 29, 2015
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      pretty spiffy

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