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  • [FREE] [Bot] Enyo - The ultimate raiding botbase!

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by nomnomnom, Jan 16, 2013.

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    1. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      Last edited: Apr 27, 2015
      micron85, cfw34683, bend1 and 2 others like this.
    2. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      Enyo - The ultimate raiding botbase!

      Frequently asked questions

      Help! I have incredibly low framerate in WoW ... why?
      There are a few reasons, one of them is simply that Honorbuddy requires a few frames to actually function properly. Secondly, there are known programs which interfere with Honorbuddy's smooth experience. Below is a list of programs with issues. In order to let it function properly, add Honorbuddy as an exception or disable the program all together.

      • Kaspersky Anti Virus
      • Zone Alarm

      A larger list of interfering programs can be found here: BosslandGmbH:HelpDesk:programs that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products - The Buddy Wiki

      What is/does the HardLock, SoftLock, LockSelector, FrameLock and TPS (Ticks per second)?
      Honorbuddy is able to inject ONE action into the WoW client per frame executed by WoW (30 times if WoW runs at 30 FPS). Framelock fixes this by keeping one frame stuck until HB is finished with it. This results in the ability to perform multiple actions per frame instead of one. The result is that HB is able to perform a LOT more actions per second with a framelock than without (as its able to run all required actions in one frame instead of in MANY).

      If an action or action sequence takes too long, and the frame is still locked when the next frame is ready you will have the well-known stutter/lag. This is a problem with the code running in a framelock.

      A 'Tick' in Honorbuddy is one full loop of processing through all of its actions (i.e. to loop through the bot, all plugins and through the combat routine).

      The TPS (ticks per second) in Enyo is a setting to tell Honorbuddy how often to attempt to loop through all of the code every second. This is limited to the speed the plugin/CR code takes to execute.

      For example, if a combat routine takes 50ms to complete a full loop with no plugins running, the maximum amount of ticks which can be performed within 1 second is 20 (1000ms in a second. 1000/50 = 20). To benefit from the full maximum of 100 TPS, all plugin and CR code must execute at a maximum of 10ms.

      What's the difference between HardLock and SoftLock?
      There is actually a quite important difference between the both of them. Advise on which one to use, is something I will not provide. If you're serious enough to play with it, you should do a few dummy tests with one of them enabled and see what works the best for you (DPS, HPS and FPS). There is quite a difference between routines, on how they react to both locks. SoftLock is alot more forgiving then hardlock, but might also decrease raid performance (i.e. Healing, DPS).

      If your system and routine cannot handle Hardlock, you can try if Softlock works for you. It's always a increase compared to no lock at all!

      What should I do with the Ticks per Second?
      Ticks per Second should be about equal or less of which your FrameRate (CTRL+R to view in WoW) is. If your PC can handle it, the higher the TPS the better your Routine will work. It's just very minor difference above 30 though.

      So if your WoW never goes below 60 FPS, set Enyo to 60 TPS. If your WoW never goes under 45, set it to 45. Test it in a heavy raid environment, cause flying around your FPS is probaly ALOT higher then in raids during bossfights.

      What should I do with the LockSelector?
      It should be enabled, as it improves the performance of your CR. If it drops the framerate too much, the combat routine you use probaly does not support a framelock. Disable it then. Prime examples of LockSelector supported routines are "Fury Unleashed II - Premium", "YourRaidingBuddy V2", "Oracle 2" and "Necrophylia".

      Both of the options are a FrameLock method!

      • Hardlock: This locks Honorbuddy, BotBase and Routine in 1 frame per tick (This should in theory provide the best DPS/HPS).
      • Softlock: This does not lock Honorbuddy, but locks only the BotBase and routine in 1 frame per tick.

      What is/does the Continues Healing Mode or Forced Combat Mode in Enyo?
      The Continues Healing Mode or Forced Combat Mode allows Enyo to heal while not in actual combat. Recommended for routines like Oracle and Leaves.

      Why doesn't it move? I have it enabled in my routine!
      Cause Enyo doesn't support movement. It's a combat-assist botbase, nothing more. It allows a routine to only perform its combat behaviours and nothing more then just that!

      Help! My hotkeys aren't working ... why?
      Something hijacked the hotkeys and/or its binding. A few known cases are listed below, but it's not limited to these programs only!

      • Teamviewer
      • AMD Gaming Involved Control Center (Raptr)
      A larger list of interfering programs can be found here: BosslandGmbH:HelpDesk:programs that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products - The Buddy Wiki

      Is the Enyo announcement for Pause/Unpause safe?
      Yes it is. Enyo prints text as a overlay and cannot be detected.

      Can we detect if this botbase is paused?
      Yes you can, you can use the public bool IsPaused to check ... True, false, you know the drill!

      I like to create my own routine, what does Enyo support?
      Enyo only supports a few behaviors from the RoutineManager. If your goal is to make the routine Enyo compatible, these are the only behaviors which you are supposed to implement. The ones supported are:
      • CombatBehavior
      • CombatBuffBehavior
      • HealBehavior
      • PreCombatBuffBehavior

      Is there any personal detail's being collected?
      Last edited: Apr 30, 2015
      jino likes this.
    3. Beast

      Beast Member

      Apr 22, 2010
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      can you explain the paid routines?
    4. projektt

      projektt Active Member

      Sep 21, 2010
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      some developers have premium versions of their CC's if you donate to them or pay them. It's actually messed up because they can't distinguish the difference between a donation and getting paid. I won't say names but they will have a MINUMUM donation such as $10 for a bronze version and like $40 donation for a platinum version.

      Websters dictionary defines a donation:

      a : the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution
      b : a free contribution : gift
    5. projektt

      projektt Active Member

      Sep 21, 2010
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      But in all honesty it's not that big of a deal because they have a free version available. If you would like that extra "edge" in PvE and PvP then the paid version is the way to go. So I'm on both sides since you aren't forced to donate to them.

      Take Tuanha for instance. His free CC's are AMAZING
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2013
    6. laurence2410

      laurence2410 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      amasing maybe a bit much as singular on a ww monk will acheive the same and usualy far better results than tuanha monk cc. And as soon as the were a charge to use the better version I stopped using it all together as personally I think it is wrong to say "Hey I have made a cc, want it to work aswell as it can well you'll have to pay me". I am fortunate enough to still have tyrael in my HB folder and have to say it works flawlessly I use lazy raider also, Tyrael is easier to setup however neither are rocket science. Thanks for bringing this back for us all however I completely support the blacklisting of certain routines, Not that my opinion on this will matter to anyone :). Goodluck with the project and also pure rotation if it is anything as good as CLU it will be awesome.
    7. superstargoddess

      superstargoddess New Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      Looking forward to this, Ive been looking for it!
    8. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Good to know that my Combat Routine got lift banned soon xD
    9. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      Tyrael download is up, blacklist is removed.
    10. Cracktomte

      Cracktomte Member

      Mar 7, 2010
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      So I've been wondering. What is the differences between Tyrael and LazyRaider?
    11. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Glad you removed the blacklist, that is why the other download link was removed. I talked to him about it but he just didn't want to remove the blacklist. Glad you did it without me having to say anything.
    12. Beast

      Beast Member

      Apr 22, 2010
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      oh so you couldnt use tuans paid ccs with tyrael? or what
    13. Gatherit

      Gatherit New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 28, 2010
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      So are we allowed to talk about paid profiles/versions on the forum or not? This is getting ridiculous. You shut me out from mentioning anything about anything paid and now I come back to read this thread about a paid CC (version of this CC) on the forum.
    14. superstargoddess

      superstargoddess New Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      Not sure I understand how to work this. You open up the bot config and you can just change "ticks per second". What's the best ticks per second and does it work like Lazy Raider where it doesn't do anything except cast spells?
    15. handnavi

      handnavi Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Now you can use paid versions with it, yes.

      The last versions just were not working when a paid Routine was loaded.

      Although the blacklist was a good idea, atleast in my opinion.
      Why should a developer support "paid routines" on which he has got no access?
      Frayman likes this.
    16. Beast

      Beast Member

      Apr 22, 2010
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      ah, thanks for clearing it up /love handnavi
    17. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      So wait...
      What you're saying is that everything ever created anywhere should be free? Then why the hell am I paying to go to school for Programming?
      I'll relate this to Microsoft's Visual Studio.

      They have an express(free) version, that handles most of the options (coding/Intellisense/etc), but their "Premium" version supports debugging/attaching to exe/plugins(addons)/etc
      So just because they made a free version and premium they should both be free...

      I know these are a lot more capable applications, but the same idea applies.
    18. TheScorpionsFan

      TheScorpionsFan New Member

      Sep 16, 2012
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      Actually Tuanha free version is divine :) At least for me, compared to any other combat routine i tried on any other class.

      and being a bit on topic here, I think that a Botbase shouldn`t ban any kind of routine unless the routine itself is a 'virus,malaware,etc' and makes the Honorbuddy program stop responding, etc...
      It`s everyone`s choice to buy or not to buy the routines, profiles,even this bot :)

      Does anybody know the difference between LazyRaider and Tyrael?

    19. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      This discussion is already been held before. Not about to start another one. We are at liberty to simply state our opinion in the matter. Microsoft does not force us to support both paid and free version if we design a plugin for it. Here, this is a different case.
      You have missed alot I guess ... But this isnt the place to start the discussion again. We have the liberty to simply state our opinion on the matter, nothing wrong with that.


      @ mods: The free/paid discussion has been held and i'd appreciate if we can keep it out of e topic from this point on.
    20. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I agree
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